Radiant Day x Albert (RW)

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Summary: Albert is basically going to depression, etc. Ever since he broke up with his girlfriend, Lana. He has been mentally broken. But Albert still has a beam of hope from one particular person.
(A/N: This was edited due to the fact I was not proud of the first version of this chapter)
(Attempted Suicide/Fluff)

Albert was in a bathroom, crying and depending on his life. He currently had a bottle of poison in his hand. He was going to kill himself. And yet, someone was banging on the door. Demanding him to stop immediately.

How did he end up like this? Well, here's what happened:

It was a February afternoon, it was Valentines Day. Albert had taken Lana out to see the beautiful kites that flew in the sky, while the sun sets in the background. Albert was so exited. He had recently got a diamond ring for the special event, yes, he was going to propose. Since they had been together for a long, long time now.

Albert took Lana to the top of the grassy hillside, and placed a carpet on top of the silky grass that waved from the breeze. It was now his chance.

"H-hey... Lana?" Albert blushes. "Yes Albert?"
"You know, we have been t-together for a while and... I..." Albert suddenly pauses "What is it Albert?" Lana asks, full of curiosity. Albert sighs, the. He pulled out the ring. "W-would you be my wif-" Albert was cut of by Lana.

"Albert... no, no no no no..." Lana frowns. "I'm sorry, I don't see us being more than this..." Lana sadly states. "B-but-" Albert was cut off again. "I'm sorry." She quickly got up and headed away.

Albert felt tears forming in his eyes, he felt heart broken. As if life could get even more unbearable, the breeze now turned into a wind, and the storm clouds appears from the once bright night sky.

Then, it starts to rain. Albert angrily throws the ring away. Albert stormed back to his residence with tear filled eyes. God, he wishes he never spoke. Now he has to wash his mouth out with soap.
There was a certain person who was walking by. all of a sudden, something hit them in the head. "Oof-! That was not very radiant." Said the person. The person looks down to see what was thrown at him. There laying on the wet concrete ground, was a diamond ring.

The persons eyes widen, did someone just get rejected? All of a sudden they could hear faint footsteps and sobbing from the distance. But it soon faded away. The person frowns, this was not radiant at all!

They picked up the ring and put it in their pocket, then they continued with their shift.
Albert busts the door to his room and collapses onto his bed, then he starts sobbing. Why did Lana leave him when their relationship seemed so perfect? Did Lana not love him? But she's a better person than that... right?

After hours of crying and questions, the poor boy went to sleep in tears.
The next day, it was sunny. But for Albert, it was still as stormy as yesterday. He should've never said the word 'love'...

There was a certain Operative named Radiant Day. His uniform was all soaked up, since it started to rain during his shift.
So he had to wear a different uniform. It still looked like his old one except the vest has a darker color, to his disliking. But he could still wear his hat, since it wasn't as soaked as his uniform.

Since he had nothing to do, and his shift didn't start until another hour. He decided to go for a walk. The weather seemed nice... but like yesterday it might rain, so JUST in case, he took his yellow umbrella and his pistol. Then he headed outside.
Outside had a warm and almost perfect temperature, so a lot of civilians where having a great time sparking up conversations. Except one stood out from the rest.

Radiant, out of curiosity. Decided to stalk the person... who turned out to be Albert!
He was currently gazing at the concrete ground, with a hunched back. He seemed... different then the rest of the times that he was sad. This, obviously made Radiant uncomfortable.

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