Macabre Day x Albert

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(I recently found out that this song is actually about self acceptance, huh... just what I needed! Haha-)

Summary: Albert decided to go to a abandoned building with his friend Jake. They heard that there was a ghost that haunted the old place ever since their death, so to see if it was true the two idiots brought an Ouija board with them.

(In case if you don't know what 'macabre' means, it means: Gruesome/Horrific)

Recently there was rumors of a abandoned building in the woods. Albert however, didn't believe the rumors. So him and his friends Jake, decided to check it out themselves. So they planned on going there that night, Jake had also brought an Ouija board with him.

At first, Albert was a bit scared to go to the sketchy building at night. But then, he decided to just man up and prove the rumors wrong. Jake on the other hand, didn't even know why he was even there. Probably cause' he just wanted to be a good friend. Anyways, Albert opens the surprisingly quiet door... that's new. As they enter, the two could feel a macabre aura around them. It made the two uncomfortable...

"A-Albert... I don't feel so good about this.." Jake nervously says, making the brunette roll his eyes. "C'mon Jake, don't be such a pussy. Be a man!" Albert jokes, making the other feel slightly better. "Okay okay, fine! But if we die, I'm not taking the blame..." Jake whined. Albert just sniggers and keeps walking through the dark hallway. The building was surprisingly big, even though it seemed small on the outside... that's weird.

"Okay, this seems like a good place to start it!" Albert gleefully states, as he stops in the middle of what seemed to be a old waiting room. Jake places his bag on the floor and takes out the Ouija board, while Albert takes some candles out of his duffel bag and lit them with his lighter.

"Okay, ready man?" Albert asks, Jake just nods and puts the board on the dusty table. "Uh- so what should we ask the 'spirit'?" Jake asks. Albert thinks.... hmmmm...

"Oh-!" Albert then places his finger on the planchette, and so does Jake. "Hey spirit, are you real?" Albert asks with a smug look.


Albert's smirk immediately disappears. "Uh Jake, was that you?" Albert asks unsure to believe the board or not. "Why would I move the planchette? I literally just had my finger on it." Jake replies uneasily. Albert just shrugs. "Are you a boy or a lady~?" Albert giggles. Jake just rolls his eyes. The board spelt out: B-O-Y. "Oh..." At this point, Albert still thought that Jake was just messing around with him. While Jake was panicking on the inside

"A-are you a good spirit, or a b-bad spirit..?" Jake asks. The board spelt: B-A-D.

"Oh~ so your a bad boy then!"

"Albert! Stop messing around you idiot!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

Albert then asks a question that he would soon regret... "So, can you give us a sign that you are real?" The board slowly moved to the word: Yes.
Jake's face started to pale. "Albert! You are not supposed to ask the ghosts/spirits to show us signs to know that they exist! That's how you invite them to our lives!" Jake angrily yells.

They suddenly felt a dark aura around the area. And then with a sudden movement, all the doors shut closed hardly. Albert jumps, while Jake was regretting that he had agreed to come.

"Ah- now look what you have done! We are stuck!" Jake says as he tries to force the door open. "Ha! Nice prank Jake, you really got me not gonna lie... uhhh where are the cameras...?" Albert says. At this point Jake just ignores Albert and tries to open the door.

Suddenly Jake was pushed back by a unknown force hardly into the wall, hard enough to make his skull crack open, withdrawing blood.

"JAKE!" Albert runs over to his now lifeless friend, Albert hopes that it was just a prank and it would be all over soon. But he was snapped out of his thoughts by a 'hand' placed on his shoulder. Albert's eyes widen, was this just a prank all along? But when he turns around he didn't see his friends nor his girlfriend, it was... a dark figure. He couldn't really make out it's appearance since now was not the time.

"Jake! Jake, please wake up! We have to get out of here!!" Albert yelled in tears. But Jake didn't respond. Albert with heavy heart, left his dear friend and ran for the door but when he tried to open it, it was locked shut. "Fuck..." Albert swore. He heard a dark chuckle behind him, he turns around to see no one. "W-who's there?!" Albert nervously yells. But he received no response.

"What did you do to my friend?! Answer me you macabre ghost!!" Albert was now mad, mostly at himself. This as all his fault.

"Macabre...? Huh, that's a pretty good name~"

Albert frantically tries to look for the source of the voice, until his eyes fell on the figure standing on the ceiling. The figure floats down to face Albert's terrified face. The 'thing' reaches out to Albert's face, but Albert swiftly backs away, making the figure chuckle darkly.

"W-who are you...?" Albert asks in a shaky tone. "Well human, I don't really remember my name. But call me Macabre if you must~" Macabre says, as he grasps Albert's face. Albert yelps, and tries to back away but it was no use since he was already against the wall. "W-why don't you just kill me already you savage!" Albert hisses. He could see 'Macabre' faintly smirk.

"Why would I free my new human toy? After all, we don't want such a cute thing like you go to waste~" Macabre lowly whispers into Albert's ear, sending shivers down his spine. Albert tries to kick away the ghost in front of him, but it seems like he forgot that he couldn't really physically touch ghosts.

"Oh honey, fighting me isn't a good choice~"

"Well you didn't have to fucking kill my friend!"

"Oh, now we're using languages huh~?"

Albert snarls at Macabre. He was mad, but mostly because he was scared. "Enough" Macabre would sternly state, making the brunette flinch.

What was he gonna do?


Word Count: 1,068

Boi, this one was short af xd
Also thank you sooo much for all the support! My motivation got boosted quicker than I thought :D

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