Radiant Day x Albert

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Valentines Day Chapter ❤️ (I'm 2 months late but whatever.)

Requested by: Melissa-Hope

Summary: Radiant takes Albert to a special place that he had made for him, and then yeah, that's all that happens. And then after that, they have hot Roblox sex.
(I'm not good at characterizing tsunderes)
(Romantic or Fluff/Smut)

[System]: Your friend MrFlimFlam has joined the game.

It was 5 in the afternoon, and Albert was invited to a new game that Radiant had made.
He was told not to record so he knew that this was something important.
Anyways, once he arrived he is immediately greeted by the Operative who was off-duty.

"Hey sweetie~ thanks for coming!"

Albert blushes a bit, he forgot how awkward it was whenever he was alone with him with no one else around. Albert didn't want to seem rude or anything right now since he just joined so he just smiled. "No problem," "Well, what do you think?" Radiant asked, gesturing the place around them to get his opinions on how it looked.
Albert looks around and saw that they appeared to be in a garden-like forest of some sort, and there were fairy lights and jars with fireflies all over the map and the graphics gave everything around them a smooth touch. In a nutshell, it was a really pretty place in general.
"It looks great!" Albert replies, Radiant's smile became even wider as he was pleased with his answer. "Why thank you, it took me 3 months to build it just for us! ...*ahem* O-of course, with the help of a few other people as well!" He says, "Would you like me to show you around?" Albert nods, so Radiant quickly clasped onto his hand and led him through the flowers and the tall grass that surrounded them.
His face became flushed when the Operative took him by the hand, it's not like he didn't like them doing that... he did; but it didn't make him feel comfortable.

Albert takes a few glances around him after they had gotten out of the tall grasses, Radiant led him towards the river that was under a small hill that they were on.
When they arrive, Radiant stopped just as they reached the place and he turned his gaze towards Albert for a moment, Albert raises a brow and looked up towards him as well; not sure what he was planning to do.
"Wait here [Identity] Albert, I'll go and get something real quick!" Radiant says as he went away, Albert watched him leave and turns his attention back onto the scenery in front of him. Then he stares up into the sky, and the beautiful colors that it appeared to be in made Albert's heart elated and he was given a sort of radiant vibe about the area.

That's when he heard some sounds from the water, it didn't sound like a fish or any aquatic animal. He looked around and not too far away from where he was, Radiant was in a small wooden boat on the lake and was rowing it towards him, he stood up when he reached him and gestures a hand for him, "Come on, hop in," he said as he flashed a grin afterward. Albert's cheeks were dusted with red once more, he took hold of his hand and the Operative helps him in. He sits down on a seat that was on the boat, but Radiant kept rowing the boat as he continues to stand.
Radiant turned his eyes towards the brunette and they both lock eyes, Albert quickly looks away but a chuckle was heard from him.

"*laugh* Don't be nervous dear~!"

"Uh... yeah..." Albert slurred his words.

Albert felt the boat shift a bit when Radiant sat down as it went on by itself to their first destination. Albert was still trying to look away from the Operative, but he could feel them staring right at him causing him to feel some sort of temptation to turn his gaze towards him as well. Radiant wasn't very happy by the fact that he was refusing to turn his eyes to him so he thinks of something normal to talk about; like what any other regular players would say to a friend. "So, how was your day?" He asked, replacing his smirk with his usual smile. His change of tone made Albert feel comfortable enough to turn back towards him. "Uhh, I'm doing well," Albert replies.

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