Practical Day x Albert

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Summary: Practical has had these feelings for Albert for some time now, but Albert never really considered his efforts in him attempting to ask him out,—which, the brunette only took as a joke. But while the two of them were in school, Practical meets an old friend of Albert whom he presumably had a crush on. And that information decreases his confidence in asking him out furthermore.
Uhh, I don't know what happens after some time I just wrote whatever I could think of.

Also requested by: SinnamonUndercover (I was gonna make a Practical Day x Albert chapter anyways lol, so when I saw your comment I couldn't stop smiling for ages!)

It was morning, Monday, and it was the worst day for any ordinary high school student including Albert. He woke up to the sound of the dreaded alarm clock that beeped like crazy trying to disturb him during his slumber.
A miserable sigh was heard from Albert as he opens his eyes and slams the clock so that it would be silent; he checked the time to see that it was 7 in the morning. Crap, the school was gonna start in an hour...
Albert groans out as he forces himself to sit up. He then got up from the bed and began to change into his usual clothes, a red hoodie with a black pair of pants. After brushing his hair a little, keep in mind, just a little; Albert goes downstairs to eat his breakfast, very slowly.
When he got there to the dining room, he saw that there was a plate of eggs and some chicken nuggets with a cup of orange juice, there also was a note from his mother stuck to a fridge that she had left before leaving for work. Not really bothering to read it, the brunette went straight into digging into his meal and decided to check what was new on his phone as he did so.
The first thing he saw was a text message from Practical... probably his only friend outside of the online world. He had other friends in real life too but they only hung out when they had nothing else to do.
'Albert! Where are you? I'm waiting for you in front of the school, you're going to be late! We have math in 30 minutes!!' That is what the message said. Other than his message, there weren't any other notifications.
Albert sighs after taking a drink from his orange juice and decided to reply to him. Albert clicks on the notification and proceeded to text him after he had paused eating his breakfast, he would simply reply by saying, 'Sorry man, I guess I sort of overslept today.' The brunette then continued to eat his meal by munching on a chicken nugget.
Not even a minute after Albert heard his phone buzz, and he would check it to see that Practical had responded to him.

'Did you play Roblox with Jake and Adam again until it became 3 am?'

'Well yes, *sigh* it's been pretty tough ever since I ran out of robux, as I told you yesterday—they've been making fun of me calling me broke boy and all that. You got a prob' with it? Or are you just salty because you weren't there? Haha.'

"Uhm...No... but it isn't practical to do that constantly! It's not good for your school life.'

'Well, I'm sorry for just wanting some friends.'

'I-... don't get me wrong, I just want the best for you! I'm trying to take care of you.'

'*laugh emoji* Ha, you're starting to sound like my mom.'

'Can we just talk through a phone call?'


On the other line, Practical immediately smiles when he receives a phone call from him. So, he picks it up after walking away from the crowds of students that would enter the campus and his smile grew into a grin when he heard the other's blank but usually full-of-soul voice from the other line.
"Hey there," Practical was the first to say something. "Hey," Albert responds, some chewing sounds could be heard from there and he supposed that he was just eating something... still?!
"Are you... still eating breakfast?" "*laugh* Practical, why are you stressing out about me being late?" Albert questions back, "You can just go on to class before me." Practical began to faintly blush behind his mask. He 'uuhed' for some time before coming up with a reply.
"I just-... I don't wanna do that! I don't want to go inside the building before you." "Mhm and why not Prac? *laugh*" Practical's blushing slightly intensifies when he heard Albert call him by his nickname, ever since they started having talks like these where they called each other by these 'nicknames', he had been feeling more... nervous whenever he was around Albert. But of course, he didn't come out to him about that, since the brunette didn't have that sort of feelings towards men...

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