Chapter Eight

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          "To the Look-Out!" Coruscates their tags, gleaming a brighter hue than the original color painted upon it, as they leaped up from their comfort zones and dashed forth the tower.

          Speedily, they changed into their uniforms along with Everest's new one, before the elevator rang a simple melody — announcing that they have arrived.

          Their paws sprung forward and formed themselves into a neat line that has their face facing the boy.

          But upon their arrival, it seemed that he was pacing back and forth with his eyes glued onto the metallic floor. His finger was hanging onto his teeth, and his overall pacing was quite unnerving.

           The vibe he gave off was something related to seeing paranormal activities, and basically looked quite pale, and his hair was unusually disheveled into brown stochastic locks.

          Chase said his usual catchphrase, more properly and correct this time, but Ryder hadn't flinched nor stopped himself from whatever he is doing.

          Of course, Chase had to say his lines a little louder — he really doesn't have a choice and did so, which luckily did the trick.

          As his cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment, he quickly muttered an apology relating to his trance and immediately proceeded into discussing today's mission.

          It wasn't anything major but a usual task. According to Ryder, there were a bunch of penguins that had gotten loose in the sixth Street of Adventure Bay; and the mission calls for Rocky and Everest.

          Rocky needed to be deployed, as he'll be needing to repair the cart that's supposedly the one containing the penguins; and Everest, who'll be needed to round the penguins up due to her having knowledge of snowy biomes.

          A few days back, after all the mess and unnecessary extra tasks that were thrown at them that made assigning Everest a role almost impossible to do, was done and instead of having to share tasks with one of them, Ryder decided to add a new one.

          Something she's familiar with.

          Although she still hadn't gotten a proper vehicle and still had to come with someone, she was given the role of being in charge of snowy tasks.

          Once everything that Ryder wanted to say was told, the duo leaped off of the ground swiftly, and rode the slide down immediately, while the boy himself, rode down the fireman pole to access his quad bike.


          Arriving at the scene, Rocky had stopped by to fix the broken cart — the wheels were busted flat, the door hinges snapped loose, and there were minor dents that may or may not cause inconveniences later on.

          "You begin fixing that, Everest and I will round up the penguins." The boy says, as the Mongrel nodded in affirmation and had reverted his focus and attention into the persisting problem.

          Driving themselves to a plausible place where the penguins could've fled off to, Ryder questions the Husky where they should begin searching.

          Everest looked upon the surroundings. She was quite unsure which places those few flightless birds of the Arctic could've taken interest from.

Can't Woof It Out | Marshall x Everest [Book Two] ✔⚙Where stories live. Discover now