Chapter Three

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          "The wind's becoming more violent" The Chocolate Lab began, passing the thought onto the Dally by the cool breeze

          Lately, the weather has been nothing but a pleasant array of shine and brine of the magnificent sun and bay in Adventure Bay. Every cloud were only to be swept away with ease by the area's mighty winds, but to everyone's surprise, it had something up its sleeves.

          A bunch of lightning threatened to strike in the area and had made landfall multiple times already. Every strike came the rolling thunder that banged amongst the thick sheet of grey blanketing clouds.

          "We better wrap this up immediately then." Literates the spotted canine as they await for Rocky and Everest to officially begin. It was taking quite awhile for them to finish into the first phase — the two were still discussing things that were fare complex than the others.

          Huh, who would've known?

          In the Dally's point of view, the Mongrel was showing the Husky the ropes of the basics; from a far, things that Rocky's demonstrating does not make sense one bit. He was holding a doohickey that Marshall can't remember its term. Not like he'll need it in his life anyway.

          "Got it?" Was the only cluster of words that Marshall could muster up from his silent indirect mouths.

          Everest nodded as she began her first test with Rocky.

          Then there was silence. The duo looked keen in what they are doing and it seems they're going places. But it appears that the skies are too.

          With a breathy voice, the Dally heard news from the German Shepherd that rain began in the bays of the said town, and that he knew that Rocky was probably in operation and may cause electrocution with what they are currently performing.

          Like a wave that dashes forth shore, the sound of rain slowly poured down: beginning from the east to west. With his own two eyes, he witnessed the disarray of raindrops plummeting earthbound.

          Marshall was about to take action, when an implusive action done by a specific German Shepherd — dashing forth the duo to push them away before rain trickles on their area.

          Rolls of thunders in the nearby stretch didn't make situations easier. If their device attracts lightning, this electricity from the murky skies above may channel through them and cause their hearts to collapse.

          "CHASE. CHASE!" Marshall was running after him to stop him from his impulse. Rain coverage had just expanded, and the Dally had gotten soaked too. Soon, the whole area was.

          "Huh, when did it get rain?" Muttered Rocky in surprise, as somehow, his sense of hearing managed to filter out any noise aside from their operation.

          Before anyone could answer that though, lightning strikes from behind them caused a lurid showcase of colors. Everest flinched at this, causing her to tumble over to the devices.

          Unfortunately on her side, lines of wires had found its way to her limbs.

         "Rocky, get out of there!" Commanded Ryder, clearly terrified of what is about to happen. He was currently escorting the other pups inside as the wind slowly grew more and more violent. During this spectacular disaster of a show, Chase, Everest, Rocky and Marshall were in this play.

         "Come Rocky," Ushered Marshall at the realization that Chase was alright. As of the moment, the Shepherd was delicately untangling the Husky from her conundrum as the bolts of lightning bolt the ground as it dances a fiery and threatening one. This obviously was a clear obstacle for the both of them, if Chase wants to keep both of them alive, he has to patiently and skillfully remove the wires without one of them snapping and meeting with water.

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