Chapter Sixteen 🎵

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|minor suicidal thoughts|
("!!!" Indicate the start end end if it.)

|self worth includes, please read at your own risk. |

          After paying a good meal within a reasonable price, the two have shifted their legs elsewhere, which most likely, is forth the place they were meant to go. Quietly in solitude, they walked upon these winter-scarred pathways with a closeted twinkle; hushed from the satisfaction of the earlier nosh they've consumed.

          Frigid Westwinds soon became evident and had picked up intensity from then on, the skies clouded of a murky painting — concealing the heavenly sightings from beyond those levitating and atmosphere-loving aerosols. Residences and inhabitants of this island knew too well what it would bring in the near future, and Marshall had a share of a hypothetical assumption and agreed it would snow the area very soon.

          "We have to speed this process," quotes the Dally exasperatedly before looking around the area to fathom this obstacle. Though it seems luck was working in their favor as his eyes lit up with keenness and delight, he hooked his paw onto Everest's arms and swept her as if he was the embodiment of gale.

         Upon this seeming impulsive reaction, she could only blink away in confusion as she allowed everything to fall into place. Finally managing to comprehend the sequence of events rushing forth her face, she managed to picture herself on a ledge of a trolley, with Marshall by her side as he firmly, yet carefully held her arm to refrain her from slipping off the vehicle.

         It was an intimate view, she must say, her heartbeat thumped loudly at the distance they are in, though Marshall seemed to have no awareness about it as Everest's arms were still linked with his. With this situation, she's blank-minded and couldn't think of any key to squirm out of this situation. "On the bright side, I won't fall off the cart?" She convinces herself for the better, on the contrary, she was unable to shake off the thought and kept tapping her mind like a knock.

          "When was the last time anyone held me this way — enough to unsettle me?" a question directed to her, meant to be passed onto her, though she was unable to answer that herself, and it baffles her at the foreignness of it all. Mentally, she took note of it to ponder more about it in the future.

          In the meantime, she amused herself by the sight that panned in her view. Every towering perennial plant had a trace of frostbites, and every glance she took had effortlessly caught her breath ahold for a short while. Despite the rushing air that dashed past them, the pinecones that seek refuge from these had emitted a distinct lemony and sweet scent, yet had a surprising sharp undertone that oddly conflated well with these passive seeming descriptions. Indeed, was the scenery that beholds in front of her was breathtaking. 

          "Had it always been this pretty?" Questions of the Husky, directed only to Marshall himself. He looked over to her and one look seemed to have unveiled a long list of what he ought feels about all of this, about her question. His beam was as refreshing as the morning sun behind the icicle-topped trees with a warm coffee on a table by a window.

          She could only giggle at the sight of this, and he did too. They don't know why and what was the reason for this sudden result, but here they are, laughing ear to ear with eyes carved in a way that it's unreasonably infectious; lids were pushed concave-wise, and the lips were matrixed the opposite of it. 

          A loud announcement from the conductor had disrupted them from that, and as it ends, they blinked their eyes rapidly to find both of themselves look away from each other. Oh, how fast did that moment close.

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