Chapter Two

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          In the midst of the early dawn's land, the PAW Patrol — savior of Adventure Bay, was up and about — causing clamor among their mountain tops. The city was still fast asleep from the dulcet tunes of its native wildlife that envelopes the city around its arms, whilst the sky continues to radiate an ombre of tropical reds and pastel indigos.

          "Ryder, where do you want me to place these?" asked the Dally, which probably was the first thing he have ever spoken first thing in the morning.

          Turning, the boy, given the feature of having brown locks and pale skin, he intently looked at Marshall with his darker shade of hazel irises. Placing his hands akimbo, replied with pearly white smiles "Those are Zuma's oxygen tanks. You can roll them to him." Before parting ways, he gave him a reassuring rub before they went on with what they're doing.

          Making a beeline towards the Chocolate Lab, Marshall arrived with the said tanks that Zuma might need later on.

          "Thanks dude," he smiles as he stuffs it somewhere he knows and easily access it. Although, the Dally leaving right now was a little too early, he thought. Plus, there's something he wanted to discuss about.

          As he taps his fellow canine, he opened his mouth to divulge Ryder's way of surfacing his emotions, to how it is very filtered and forced from the usual one he does.

          Creasing brows together, Zuma agreed with disappointment in his voice "He's been weally mute lately. Don't tell this to anyone, but he doubted giving Evewest the slot."

          "I won't lie. After that event, it's no shocker that no one would end up having trust issues or any complications."

          "I am honestly stawting to believe that we awe the only ones who seem to be alwight."

          "How so?"

          "Well. . . I am suwe you know the Wydew one. But then, Wocky seems to be distancing himself fwom us. And Wubble, it may not seem much at fiwst, but he's been eating a lot lately. And Chase. . ?" There was a short pause between them. Both quite unsure what to say next.

         But in the end, Marshall simply nodded and understood his idea clearly. No one has shook off the past, unfortunately. Everyone thought that after saving their friends and foiling Sweetie's plans would revert them quicker than a blink of an eye back to their normal lives. 

          Regrettably, it was not what they have concluded or hoped for. It shocked everyone, mainly those mentioned before. Maybe if the situation involved more of the fighting, maybe. . . Their healing process would be easier and faster.

          Groundbreaking truths from the pasts were unexpectedly aforementioned, causing the slice to dig deeper than skin-deep and embark a scar within — eternally.

          It was emotions that deployed all that; it was never mainly physically. Who would've thought that a device used to articulate such and such would cut deeper than a normal dagger?

          "I do hope they'll bounce back to normal quicker than expected. The Look-Out's awfully quiet, that I could almost become deaf."

         One last smile then flashed before they went on with the rest of the crisp morning. The two mentioned canine cannot do anything with their current power they hold, despite it them all being close as a family, all everyone could conclude was.. They're still cemented to the past.

         They may seem fine, but within them, the feeling cannot be shaken. All smiles are just powdered with lies of fruity-gaieties, and what lies within are bitter and wounded hearts.

Can't Woof It Out | Marshall x Everest [Book Two] ✔⚙Where stories live. Discover now