Chapter Seventeen

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| contains: mature language |

| may be a little graphic for imaginative readers|

          "Are you feeling any better?" The place had fallen dark and cold; Ashmont continuously was sprinkled with white powder, covering those once brown soil and stony pathways into nothing but a part of the snowy floor itself. By then, they had found themselves a modest eatery; it was packed for the dinner rush, but despite that, it was mildly deafeningly silent on Marshall and Everest's end. 

          The Dally's mood had somewhat improved after that meal; after drinking the aromatic black tea, it helped him rejuvenate his once broken soul. That of soulful device that's encaged and has been breaking down ever since has finally unbottled the bitter moments he's been longing to keep; now refreshed, it seems like the past is a mere memory that caused him a great sour feeling.

          A feeling that when looked back upon, showcases nothing but worthless and shallow woes. Quietly, he asked himself if tearing himself bare at that moment was even necessary.

          "Y.. Yeah, I'm feeling better now, thank you," he smiles "Hey, listen.. About earlier? I'm sorry you had to see that and for dealing with my crap." Everest was understanding and made it clear that his earlier dilemma was nothing "Really, I'm glad you've finally gotten that off your chest. I know how it feels like to be in it."

          He smiles again. But then came another natural silence washing over them, the Husky was still occupied with her meal, and as for him, he'd just finished it recently and is now just finishing the tea that's clasped between his paws.

          Looking at the seeming bottomless cup of the black tea, no longer does he see himself frowning and having these horrible thoughts about himself. What reflects back upon this tea water, is a renewed soul — of all the million things he could shame himself in front of this reflective beverage, he could only think of a beautiful night with fireflies dancing freely within it, or the freezing sensation of the snowflakes falling delicately as you catch on yourself with your tongue.

          For once, he smiles at the void he once despises so greatly. As he reflects onto these things, he remembered her remark of "I've once been there." She hadn't really gotten into detail of why she thinks she could relate greatly to his earlier situation, and so, he asked this to her.

          "Ah, that.."

          "You've only told me you were left by that someone."

          "Yeah, they did. I was like you. Absolutely frustrated at myself for being such a disappointment in the pack."

          "But it's not your fault. They just couldn't see your worth as they are only caught within their own desires."

          "But so are you!"

          "That's a different story. Hadn't I told you I was an ungrateful pr*ck to my mom?"

          "But you are sorry, aren't you?"

          "Of course! Perhaps back then, I wouldn't have the same answer." He shrugs in response, to only end their conversation in abrupt silence once more. At the recall of that past situation, he remembered how he blamed mostly his mom, which then only shifted into a burning desire of hatred towards him for his ill self. Greatly, had he loathed himself for years, and every time he looks back to the reflective object that hangs so idly, he sees his enemies — thousands of them — looking at him with disgust.

          The Husky skimmed her eyes elsewhere, which is back to the meal she's supposed to be consuming. Stealing glances from the Dalmatian, it seemed he was deep in thought as he looks out of the window with a somber expression, and she felt sorry for him for going through all that; as a child, he probably was traumatized and overwhelmed at the thought that the only one who he could trust and rely on was gone, and for certain she would be. She couldn't help but take notice of him as if he were in the spotlight

Can't Woof It Out | Marshall x Everest [Book Two] ✔⚙Where stories live. Discover now