Chapter Nineteen

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          "I'm f*cked." Sips the Dalmatian in agonizing realization, the horrible truth hitting him dead with a bat — and my, was that a home run?

          Sat in the midst of the Vet Hospital canteen, a Shepherd, Mongrel, and a Dalmatian have sate their fits of hunger in the area, but could only limit themselves to quick snack bars and carton juices.

          Marshall had finished his' early and crumpled the product out of frustration. He managed to control himself too from tossing the garbage away from him, before ending that clip with balled fists slamming onto the table surface.

          "Definitely," Rocky replies in between munch, full-heartedly agreeing on his statement.

          Of course, this doesn't make situations better, as he could only thread his paws into his scalp and tear them in attempt "This is so f*cked. Why the h*ll did I have to fall for her? After all those harsh things I've done to her?!"

          "Obviously, you've learned more about her, so naturally, you'll feel a connection with her." Points the Shepherd, narrating from his own experience and perspective; with the fact too, that out of the three of them, he's the experienced one.

          His grip had only gotten more intense and forceful as he personally punished himself for allowing those hormones of his skyrocket on their own accord. If only he could welt himself away from these, he would.

          "It's just.. So wrong, yes — the fact I act insolently towards her, but for the love of- SHE'S GOT SOMEONE!"

          "Is it bad to step in though?" Asks of Rocky, to which Chase darted him a look that had all the answers he needed to know but didn't make sense in their nature.

          "Well, canine-wise.. We aren't designed for commitment but a few other animals such as humans. So I'm not entirely sure." Admits the brown coated truthfully in the end, finally retrieving knowledge of their true nature.

          But what had concluded of this temporary discussion of theirs was a groan and inaudible mutters from none other than the Dalmatian himself.

          As the duo has continued conversing, leaving him with his own thoughts, he scanned the area to see it fairly was populated with various creatures — humans, pets, farm animals, and even three wild ones.

          Once more, he sighed at the thought that crossed his mind and buried himself in between his paws, allowing the sting to persist in his heart, feeling as if something's clogged in his esophagus with threatening means from his eyes. Ducking stationarily, he felt baffled as to why he couldn't help but feel something from the thought of her being with someone else; and despite being aware of his own irk feeling towards her, he couldn't help but foolishly trail behind her.

          It was as if the story had finished for a long time now and there was not a single page to be followed from the heartbreaking proclamation of its end. If this was the case, why was he longing for another one to appear? When he knows too well that he could only look back and relive those moments by memory and nothing else — he cannot place himself back in it and make a difference.

          As his contemplation dug deeper, he too, wondered what was the use of such great feeling, when that itself too can cause so much despondency. Why was he not taught anything about this at all? 

          But before he could become feral — alone with his thoughts — Eirwen has emerged from the entranceways and made a beeline forth him. Upon arrival, he'd instructed the spotted canine that the Husky herself wanted to see him.

Can't Woof It Out | Marshall x Everest [Book Two] ✔⚙Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora