Chapter Eleven

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|trigger warning|
|occasional dark topics discussed|

          A wild and uproaring wave greeted the cabin and young lad; they had their heads tipped outside of the boat's rim, as Turbot manned the vessel. It was the first time for the duo to ever ride on such a thing, since all their life's been on land, after all, there's no use of them to go on such things like these when you're destined to hone your self skill-wise to compete in this crude world.

     Billowing came the waves were, its energetic nature had the same radiance as the two who had hopped and about on the deck.

     "You live an interesting life, Cap'n!" Marshall gushes in interest and amazement. "All my life, I've been tired of seeing the same scenery over and over again—" A warm grin was flashed back to the man, in one grin, it told him everything, from how much his kindness had greatly affected them, in a positive ay of course.

          Bashfully thanking them for it, he questioned them what they should have for lunch "There'll be a lot of sea findings present at the spot I'll be docking this!" Though nobody answered for they have no idea what the options were. Fish became a common word on their tongue like a sweet candy that's lost its charm over time.

          "There's clams, squid, crabs, even seaweed!" Enthused Horatio, as he lets go of the wheel and dropped the anchor; within a flick of a lever, the chain that held the rusty anchor rushed like a waterfall upon command, and with that, the boat itself had stopped in the midst of nowhere, but not exactly foreign in the eyes of Horatio Turbot.

          As the two thought of something they could consume, later on, they informed him that they'll opt for something after whatever he'll be doing out here in the open.

          "What are you exactly gonna do Mr. Turbot?" Jake questioned out of curiosity, clueless as to why the man decided to stop idly here out in the open sea.

          In the background, he could clearly see Turbot bringing various equipment that came from the bottom part of his ship. Between his arms, there was a bunch of paper compiled into a notebook, a pen and pencil, and some gizmos that he can't identify except a white deflated balloon.

          Laying them tortuously on the wooden surface, he handpicked his needed tools and sat on the back part of his ship, where it was left down so he could observe and dive into the ocean with ease.

          The two young figures were curious why he sat down there with a pen and paper, so they both sat down beside him to get themselves an answer to sate their ever-curious minds.

          "I am a marine biologist and the watchman of the bays; typically I observe the weather and climate conditions and withdraw to alert them." Explains the man, as he slowly inflates the white balloon and soon equips it with a meteorological apparatus, then send it freely into the atmosphere.

          "Why'd you let the balloon go?" Asked the suddenly sullen dalmatian. A soft laugh escaped Turbot's system at the sight he saw "Don't worry Marshall, these kinds of ballons are supposed to be let go, for they serve a better purpose for humanity."

          "What is that?" The now smiling and mystified pup questioned, seemingly eager to know the reason behind Horatio's release of the great 'o white balloon.

          He then pointed his index finger skywards, which two pairs of eyes followed where it pointed to, though were left in an unfathomable sight.

          Eyes were being squinted, and brows were being raised at the queer explanation Turbot pointed. It lacked of words and a thorough explanation, the only context were they given was that it played a major part in everyone's lives, but what is that?

Can't Woof It Out | Marshall x Everest [Book Two] ✔⚙Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora