Chapter Twenty-Three

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          "S-stay away from me!" yelled someone with fearful eyes as tears streamed down his eyes. It burned his cheeks along with the old memories resurfacing with its acidic self. His throat strained from all the yelling and just kept sobbing in absolute pain; it had so many things to imprecate the figure in front, but he was torn between helplessness and ableness.

          His head pounded and felt as though he'll pass away from lack of oxygen as the emotional fluids choked him. He was unable to move, but could only shudder in fear as he boxed himself to a corner and covet himself with only his paws and pride.

          There was a pair of eyes staring him down, to which soon sprouted a pack of it — all had bloodlust glares and its teeth were stained crimson. They were all cackling and awaiting for his downfall, and in the meantime, took entertainment out of his pitiful and pathetic self, and he abhorred it greatly and wished to banish them away.

          "GET THE F*CK AWAY FROM ME." the voice trembled greatly and seeped with genuine blue flunk "YOU BRING OUT THE WORST IN ME AND I WISH I'VE NEVER MET YOU."

          Morning came like an unexpected fever

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          Morning came like an unexpected fever. Scorching and unbearably noticeably pulsing through the closed lids. Skye drowsily and bitterly sat right to mentally prepare herself for the rest of the day. Raising her head, the day already began with a sour note as she banged her scalp onto the ceiling. She was about to brush it off, but an audible sound of her failure to realize that the place was much cramped irritated her to an extent.

          "Great," she breathed out heavily as she bit her lips back to say anything harsh "Just woke up and it's beginning horribly already." she then tossed the door open a little too violently, unable to correctly channel her emotions. Instant regret was painted upon her system the moment she realized that Rubble had witnessed her short episode.

          She quickly covered this up with a "hilarious" remark and lied she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Fortunately, he bought the hoax and proceeded into the lookout for breakfast. The thing was, she realized how many holes her statement has, for instance, her kennel is cramped as it is and could barely fit any more stuff, so her only spot is the middle and had made sure that she limited the objects that are kept in there — of which are two of her plushies and a flower.

          Quickly dismissing the thought, making sure she won't further make a fool out of herself, she slowly emerged into the tower. Everything's decently normal, not the overtop normal what everyone usually is, but rather, are in a casual situation — chatting over a bowl of scrumptious kibble with animated babbles.

          Upon her entrance, Ryder greeted her over with a bowl that belonged to hers and settled it down. Smiling gratefully, she mouthed a thank you and proceeded with her meal, but she caught a momentarily whiff of scent that's not foreign to her. Discreetly glancing to her left, she found a familiar face that looked so caught up in night's disaster.

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