Chapter Five

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          Once Marshall and Chase ended their conversation, it was decided that the Alsatian would settle down for a quick power nap.

         All the food he consumed were probably churned properly by his intestines by now and it's been half an hour already since Marshall newly arrived.

         "Need anything before I go?" The white coated canine with black fur dotting him queries, halting on his tracks before the elevator officially transports him back down.

          Swaying his head sideways, he tells him that there won't be anything else and thanked him. They both smiled at each other, and there went Marshall.

         While riding on the mechanical device, that same enthusiasm that were painted on him slowly washed away as he descends into the sardine of people and pets.

          Upon arrival, everyone looked quite busy watching whatever is on the television. Ryder and Jake were preparing themselves to inspect the outside the look-out, in case there were any damages or so.

          "Same old." He thought to himself as he slips into the lounge area, purposefully avoiding the Cockapoo. In order to establish that, he situated himself right beside Rubble in the corner.

          "Hey Marshall!" He greets him with his usual unintentional raspy voice; in return, the Dally smiles and asks if he doesn't mind sitting beside him — which luckily, Rubble didn't mind and patted the spot beside him.

          When he finally sat down, he found himself watching an all time favorite — Apollo the super pup.

          The canine actually likes the said show; it was his way to escape reality for a little while. With all the amazing moves his fictional hero performs, it got him feeling amazed and drop in awe.

          Of course though, he found himself sometimes disliking the idea of watching it and never knew why. We can assume that he probably just had one of those days.

          Sighing, he heard Ryder and Jake bid their farewell as they will temporarily leave them alone for a quick while to purchase more dog food.

          "Have a safe trip!" Say the mongrel as this is the time the duo took their departure.

          The whole morning was quite uneventful. Noise coming from the tv continues to run in the background as everyone had their eyes glued onto the screen.

          Marshall had locked and looked away from the tv itself multiple times already, he did so due to the fact that his eyes felt sore for some reason.

          Rubbing the itch away, the English Bulldog picked this up and questioned him about this, he simply replied that he must've had a rough sleep — which was the half-truth.

          Breathing deeply in and out, he threw his chin onto the fluffy cloths of the pillow as he awaits for the time to pass by. Usually, it were to be quick, but lately, it's been slow and stressful in his opinion.

          He was beginning to think that Everest was one unfortunate mana given to the team.

          In the midst of his train of thought, there was a ring in the counter. Immediately, the dally picked this up and went to investigate the dinging.

Can't Woof It Out | Marshall x Everest [Book Two] ✔⚙Where stories live. Discover now