Chapter Twenty-Two

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| warning |
|cussing/swearing, minor suicidal thoughts|

          "WHAT?" was what escaped both the Dally and the man upon hearing his story.  Both could only look with widened eyes and scoff at the unreasonable spectacle that was caused earlier by the guy who decided to come unexpectedly.

          "Don't be too offended. I hadn't handled my mortgage for quite some time, and I think it's feasible for him to remind me of that responsibility." admits the confined man truthfully and guiltily. Although that may be the reason, Marshall and Jake couldn't still side with the 'supposed' justice. The aggression was unnecessary, and it was as if an additional insult to the wound. Perhaps they are subconsciously biased too.

          Left wordless, the duo could only look at each other, completely swarmed with many questions that have yet to be given an explication. Surprisingly, one of them had already resided in the fact of working on a mathematical equation rather than of something much more subjective.

          Plaintive looks were plastered upon everyone's faces, not until when the Dally's face suddenly lit up with a bright idea. He grabbed the duo's attention by expressing his spontaneous conjecture.

          "I can have a sideline by doing people household chores — as such: outdoor chores!" then another idea followed Jake and faced himself to Horatio and offered to work at some nearby pizzeria as a delivery guy, considering the snow lodge isn't in its peak season yet, and people have yet to book themselves there still.

          He was — Horatio Turbot — only left nonplussed with their propositions.

          "Before you can say no, please see this as a gift from us. You may not realize it, but you've done so much to us to give us a better life, dude" with wistful eyes, Jake squeezed the man's shoulders reassuringly. Horatio managed to catch a tear in his right and could only laugh ruefully at this.

          "You.. Both of you are ridiculous. I do not deserve this kindness," though contrary to that, he flung his arms wide open once more. How could anyone deny that? Once more, they were hugging each other again. Three pieces, both broken are now whole with substitutional fits; imperfect as it may be, it sure did patch up the void that all had.


          Heavily had the lids attempted to make its wake, and every move was an invisible whiplash to his already trounced vessel for his soul. To his surprise, he was alive and well in his den, unfortunately.

          Jolting to look around, his back stung of pain and had collapsed immediately, paralyzing him in place as he helplessly tried to make his escape from this place.

          Previous events of who knows how many days it has been crossed his mind like a raging flash flood. They were in a heated argument, then came the great humiliation, and he fell into his demise. Supposed. He was baffled by how he even managed to survive that impact, considering the blow Valter delivered him.

          "Ah.. F*ck." He grumbles as he threw his head back in defeat, heaving aggressively despondent.

          A glint of silver had caught the corner of his eyes. Dangerously it winked at him and promised him a worth trade. He holds her close, and she fulfills his tranquil wish. With all his energy left, he crawled his way to that.

          So near, yet so far from his reach. Endeavoring to grasp the item, he pushed the limits and broke past his boundaries, and stretch his limbs as close to them snapping loose into pieces. The tip of his paw had now touched the guache item; it consisted of micro stalagmites rising from its bed, giving off an asphalt pavement-like texture.

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