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She didn't want to admit it, but she was starting to love one of the babies. Adam cried a lot but he had big and adorable green eyes like hers, and Adora... Adora was a total nightmare to her. She had her husband's eyes, always looking at her, judging her. The baby also seemed too idependent for her young age, which Marlena hated. Adora seemed to be telling her mom off constantly.

Her daughter didn't like her and she didn't like her daughter. That was all.

Adora would never accept to be feed by her, which Marlena took as a personal insult since she could have feed both her and her brother without problems.

"He has his dad's stupid face" commented her lover.

Oh, yeah, she had never stopped seeing him.

"We have talked about it: I am not getting rid of Adam"

"That kid will be his heir!"

"But he's a baby, I will rule for him and when he's old enough he will do as mommy says"

Perhaps Marlena liked Adam more because she perceived him as weaker than Adora.

"The girl is better looking" commented the lover. Marlena rolled her eyes.

"Don't get used to her, I will make her disappear. It will be easy with Randor gone"

"Make them both disappear, love. We will make better kids together"

Marlena laughed to tears after he said that sentence.

"No offense but I hated giving birth, I won't do it again"

"But you promised!"

"Yeah, and I also promised to love, be faithful and protect Randor. Don't worry though, you and I will still be lovers"

"What?! You said that we would get married!"

"Yeah, but I changed my mind" said her, coldly.

"But why?"

"Don't you get it? I don't love you, I never have. So please, while we are not in bed, stop begging"


"You're not good enough, Prime. You shouldn't be given the chance to have kids or power... You're just a delusional loser"

"You have started loving him, haven't you?!"

"No, I haven't"

Was she lying?


Marlena was hiding, although she knew that it was pointless: her life was over. Prime had gotten a few allies and wanted to take over Eternia, but to do that he had to end the royal family first, and he had waited until her husband and his most loyal and powerful soldiers left for training. She had no time to raise the alarm, she had to start running with both babies in her arms. Adam was silently crying, as if he had known that any noise would have made them easier to locate, and Adora was making no noise, just remained there, not moving, as if she had wanted to help her mother.

Skeletor, one of Prime's allies, and Randor's brother entered the room that they had hid in and tried to attack the babies that were now in a crib. Marlena attacked Skeletor herself, as she was a great and experienced fighter.

However, Skeletor was winning the fight because she was tired from running while carrying her children, plus she was still nursing Adam.

"Give up, Marlena" said Skeletor "and so you might survive"

In response the queen attacked him again. She was stabbed to death.

The last seconds of her life she used them to apologize to her husband mentally. She died mid apology.

Skeletor left the corpse of the woman in the floor. He knew that Prime would not like that, but he was planning on betraying him anyways so it did not really matter to him.

"Adam, Adora... I am your uncle" said Skeletor "this family gathering will be short, though"

With the same knife that he had used to murder their mother he attacked Adam. He stabbed him right in the heart, but the baby didn't die. Both babies shone in yellow and Skeletor felt his own life ending.

The twins and their dead mother were found by Evelyn, one of her mother maids. A war had been declared and she had wanted to tell her friend and queen, only to find her submerged in her own blood.

Her screams were heard in the whole Grayskull castle. Sadly the first person who arrived was Randor.

"No..." said him.

His wife was dead, and the crib was covered in blood. The babies were not crying.

"No... NO! MARLENA!!!" Randor carried his wife, but she was obviously dead "MARLENA YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP!!!"

The devasted crying king sat in the nearby chair still holding his wife.

"Marlena..." he was weeping like a child, like a hopeless one.

Evelyn was crying there as well, too traumatized to do anything at all. Suddenly she realized that they hadn't checked on the kids. But, what was even the point of doing so? She didn't want to see two dead babies, she had had enough for several lifetimes.

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