Protect The Cat

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Brightmoon looked more impressive than ever, the atmosphere was filled with happiness. Catra was excited because she was going to meet the new princess and was going to reunite with her beloved Adora, however she didn't really want to tell the blonde about Entrapta's discovery, however she had to, eventually.

"Catra!" Adora hugged her tight as soon as she entered the room "I missed you!" said Adora smiling.

"I missed you too, baby" replied the magicat, smiling back.

"You gotta meet Jaci! She's beautiful!"

Adora and Catra went to Jaci's room while holding hands. Adora knew that Bow and Glimmer would be there with their baby.

Adora knocked on the door, but instead of being allowed in it was Bow who exited the room and closed the door again.

"Shhhh" said Bow "Glimmer and the baby are asleep"

"Oh, that's great" said Adora.

"Guess I will have to wait" commented Catra. Bow nodded "oh well, we could use this time to talk about something else"

"Fine, but not here. Glimmer and Jaci need to rest"

They went outside to talk. Bow and Adora noticed that Catra was nervous, but didn't say anything. Finally Catra told them about Entrapta's discoveries, about everything without forgetting about Adora's father.

"I have to go"

Before Catra could reply Bow did.

"No, you don't have to! You gotta think that now you aren't just putting your life in danger"

Adora thought about it. He was right, she was carrying two babies that she had to protect. It wasn't about her, it was about her and Catra's babies. However the situation was stressful just to think about it, she felt like she had to help her father.

"Adora... If you have to do this I will support you" said Catra.

"What?" replied the blonde.

"You helped me with my mothers and you moved to Purrsia for me, I think that it's just fair that you get to meet your family too"

Adora thought about it and then said no with her head.

"It will have to wait" said the blonde "I am not risking our family, Catra"

Catra hugged her tight.


"I promise, Catra"

One of the guards arrived to where they were.

"King Bow, princess Perfuma requested to see you"

Bow nodded and thanked the guard for the information. Catra and Adora stayed there just talking about their future together for about ten minutes before Bow returned with a crying Perfuma.

"What's wrong?!" asked Catra, concerned.

"Perfuma?" said Adora, doubtful.

"Huntara... Huntara has left me!"

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