Something Blue

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Adora was enjoying the free time with her two best friends. The best friends squad's dynamic was a bit different now that Glimmer and Bow were married, but not enough to make things different in terms of having fun.

"I need a break" said Glimmer.

Adora could swear that there was an already visible bump in her friend's belly, but she didn't make any comments about it.

"Are you okay, Glimmer?" said Bow concerned.

"Yes, yes I am fine" said Glimmer.

They sat together, with Bow caressing Glimmer's back.

"She's feeling dizzy lately. She works too much" commented he, visibly concerned still.

"I am the queen, I work what I am supposed to work" said Glimmer.

Yes, being a queen sounded stressful. Adora preferred to do physical work by a landslide, but she knew that one day she'll be ruling Purrsia with Catra. She wondered if they would have kids someday.

"No, you're supposed to relax! You're pregnant" said Bow.

Glimmer stood up looking very pissed.

"Yes, I am pregnant but that doesn't make me incapable of doing my job!"

"Glimmer, I didn't mean-"

"I know what you meant! If it was as you wanted you'd have me in quarantine!"

"I just want to protect both Jaci and you!"

"Jaci and I are fine unless when you act as if I was made of glass!"

"I am so sorry, Glimmer! I didn't mean to make you feel bad!"

"No, it's my fault because I yelled at you!" said her already forming tears.

"But you yelled because I was stressing you!" said him, forming tears too.

"I love you, Bow!"

"I love you too, Glimmer!"

They hugged, and that's when they realized that Adora wasn't there anymore.

Adora had left mid-argument because she didn't really want to get involved in their marriage stuff. She wandered around just to entertain herself, and that's how she found Perfuma, who seemed to be wandering around herself too.

"Good morning, Perfuma" greeted her.

"Oh, good morning Adora. Today is a beautiful day, isn't it?" replied her, as cheerful as always.

Adora smiled and nodded.

"Yes, today is a beautiful day. A blue day" replied.

"A blue day?" asked Perfuma, not understanding why she had said that.

"Yes, it's silly but... Catra calls good days blue days because of my eyes. She's such a dork" said Adora, smiling.

"That's so romantic!" replied the other "Huntara says that I am the only flower that will flourish in the desert of her heart"

"Huntara said what?"

"Oh, now that I think about it we haven't talked about your wedding dress! Glimmer had it done immediately, but you ain't a queen so we will have to look for one for you!" said Perfuma excitedly.

Adora had considered marrying Catra as She-Ra because she thought that She-Ra had prettier hair, but it hadn't occurred to her that she could actually wear a beautiful dress herself.

"I don't know..."

"Don't be silly, let's get you a dress!"

And that's how the two of them ended up visiting Brightmoon's bridal shop. Most of them were white and shiny, obviously an attempt to resemble to Queen Glimmer's wedding dress.

"Is there something you need you dress to have one way or another?" asked Perfuma, checking some of the dresses.

"Nothing shiny. That's Glimmer's thing, I'd rather go for something simple"

After trying on some dresses she realized that white wasn't working for her.

"It reminds me of She-Ra, it doesn't say Adora" commented the blonde.

"Oh! Netossa told me that she picked a pink dress because Spinerella loves pink" commented Perfuma "why don't you pick a dress in Catra's favorite colour?"

Adora thought about it and then shook her head.

"Her favorite color is red, but all the dresses that I own are red"

"Then let's see if there's a dress that catches your attention"

Adora looked around and saw it. She tried it on immediately and it fit like a glove. It was a golden sheath dress with a semi-sweetheart neckline and a little train, decorated with a white tulle belt.

"I found it"

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