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"Fascinating! It looks like when she stimuled your tail it made you go on the heat. It happened to me too, but with my hair since I don't have a tail" commented Entrapta enthusiastically.

"Oh, I didn't know that"

"Well, yes. The first time I wasn't actually trying to do anything special, just washing my hair, and it happened" explained Entrapta "Do you think that you could have gotten pregnant?"

"I would love to be pregnant! Just not right now, Lonnie-lovey is pregnant already and she needs me to take care of her! Another baby right now would be too much work"

"Yes, I can tell"

In that moment Glory decided that he was done with his meal and let go of her nipple.

"Well done, Glory" said Entrapta "Mom is proud that you know that meals are not something that one should skip!"

"He eats a lot" commented Scorpia holding the little one, as Entrapta fixed her top.

"Not a lot, more like enough. He eats every two hours and just a little bit. Hordak was concerned that I wasn't producing enough milk to feed the baby at once, but it turns out that he just eats like this. It will probably change when he grows up" commented Entrapta.

"Oh, that's so cool" said Scorpia burping the baby.

"Yes, he's a very well-behaved baby" said Entrapta, very proud.

Scorpia loved being Glory's aunt and admired him, overwhelmed by his natural yet unusual beauty, that's when she saw his hair move a little bit.

"He has prehensile hair too!" exclaimed. Entrapta nodded.

"Yes! We realized it a few days after he was born because when we caressed it we could feel it trembling, but now that he's a bit older his hair is getting stronger too" explained the mom.

"Do you think that it will be like yours?" asked Scorpia.

"Oh yes, we are pretty sure about it" said Entrapta.

Scorpia caressed Glory's little legs, that were basically dead weight in his little body. He could nor move or control them.

"Scorpia, you can ask about it. It's not a shame that he's different and he's not in any pain" said Entrapta, understanding what her friend wanted to ask.

"Why he cannot... You know, use his legs?"

"Spinal injury" explained Entrapta.

"Was it when Horde Prime's hologram attacked you?"

"It originally killed him, but after Adora's, well, She-ra's healing he survived. I think that she could not fully heal this because she's pregnant and her child took part of the energy, although she didn't let me check it up. She's paranoid"

"Paranoid? Well, Catra told me that she's been acting weird" said Scorpia.

"She's afraid that she's having seven babies or more, weird fear if you ask me" said Entrapta "but if she and Kyle are actually twins she definitely could be carrying more than just a baby"

"Oh, wow" said Scorpia "that must be a lot to process. I mean, being possibly pregnant with twins and finding out that you're a twin yourself"

"Entrapta!!" that was Hordak's voice, he sounded agitated "Mermista required an emergency c-section, but she's fine and we will be able to see her and the baby next week" informed walking towards them "Oh, greetings Scorpia"

"Hi, Hordy"

Hordak ignored the cutesy nickname that time. Scorpia handed him the baby.

"Hello, Glory" greeted his son "you're the most incredible creature that I have ever seen. He's tired, I am going to take him to his lab crib"

When Hordak left the room Scorpia talked again.

"What's up with you making comments about how great he is all the time? I am not complaining, just genuinely curious"

"Both of us have dealt with self esteem issues, and we don't want the same for Glory. We want him to grow up knowing that he's loved and special to us"

Somewhere else, Adora was throwing up in the bushes.

"Maybe you should go to a doctor" said Swift Wind. They had been having mild training when she got nauseous.

"I am fiiiine, it's just the pregnancy" said Adora.

"Or the two cakes that you ate during the breakfast" said another voice.


"Hey, Adora"

Catra was leaning on a nearby tree.

"I am fine, seriously" said the blonde.

"Cut the crap, Adorka. Even if you were having six or seven babies avoiding going to a doctor wouldn't change that" said Catra.

"You're right but... Thinking about it is overwhelming"

"That's why your forehead is that huge. You think too much!"

Adora was going to argue back but she started to throw up again. Later that day her own mother-in-law checked on her and her pregnancy.

"I am sure" said Cara "you're expecting more than a child"

Adora went pale, if she said that they were having four or more she'd rather die, or that's what she dramatically thought.

A few more tests later Cara had the answer.

"You're carrying two, in different sacs"

"You sure?" asked Catra, excited.

"Yeah, they are fraternal twins"

Adora caressed her belly, more calm now that she knew that she wasn't going to give birth to her own football team.

[Hiatus??] She-Ra and the Princesses of the heat Where stories live. Discover now