Adora's Journey

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Adora was impressed and about to cry. She couldn't believe the beauty of that library, it would make Bow's dads faint for sure, it contained a lot of book, an exaggerated amount of them. However Adora only needed the ones about her family, but she didn't even make it to that part of the library because that weird man, Orko, told her that what she needed to see wasn't in those books but in the walls. He was right.

Adora started observing the people drawn directly in the wall, she walked while feeling observed in a comfortable way: these people were her ancestors, her family, and they were welcoming her there. She recognized a face in the walls and when she touched that wall she thought that she could feel the warmth of her hugs.

"That was princess Mara, she died during the revolution" explained Orko "she was your father's cousin"

Mara and her were family, now not just because she raised her until her death, but because them both were Greyskull princesses.

"She-she did not die during that revolution, she died when I was little in Etheria" replied Adora.

"Yes, when your father went crazy he used to talk about how she took you and Adam somewhere safe. Officially she died during the revolution" said Orko "But now we know the truth"

Adora continued walking and saw a painting that had no face, but she didn't need an explanation, she felt like the room spoke by itself: that was her uncle, the one who murdered her mother. Adora wanted to be angry at him, but for some reason she couldn't, she felt nothing towards that man.

"Is there a painting of my mother here?" asked Adora. She wanted to see her mother.

"No, you have to be born a Grayskull to be here" said Orko "But your father is there, right next to your grandfather and your aunt"

"My aunt?" asked Adora.

"Your dad's little sister, Mara's mother"

"What was her name?"

"Veena, she was named after her mother"

"How did she die?"

"During childbirth, princess Adora. Princess Mara was her only child" said Orko.

Adora felt a warm sensation in her heart, she felt like she finally could be with Mara again in some way. Mara was no longer a hero from the past, she was now more real.

"Oh, and that's you and your brothers"

Adora recognized herself as soon as she saw the painting. She was wearing a white long dress with gold accents and a tiara. She had her sword in a hand and was holding Kyle's hand with the other. Kyle was wearing clothes the same color as her and had a sword too.

"That sword is in Krytis. Maybe your brother will be ready to become the man he's destined to be" said Orko.

Adora hated the whole concept of destiny, she thought that it meant nothing, that one's destiny was a choice, not something written in the stars and meant to be accomplished just because.

"And there you can see your younger brother" said Orko.

Adora just nodded at that portrait in a 'I wish I had gotten to meet you' way.

"Your nephew"

Miro was becoming the man in the portrait, but was still young.

"And that's... I have no idea" said Orko.

Adora recognized that man, and looked at Orko surprised.

"That's Veles! But it can't be! You didn't know about-"

Adora realized something.

"That's why our father knew that we were alive" said Adora "the portraits show the future" Adora could swear that behind his hat and scarf she saw the man smile "Then..."

Adora walked towards the next set of portraits, knowing that they would belong to her and Catra's children.

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