Little Frosta I

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The wedding day would be in a few days, but it was expected for us to be there way before that day. Purrsia's castle is weird in the weirdest way ever... Is a baby Catra shrine, specially the nursery that's always clean but it's never used. That day everyone was busy so I took Imp and we explored the castle, and listened a conversation.

"So you... Want us to be together again? What changed?" asked queen Cara.

I am afraid of queen Cara. She's just a bit taller than Catra, but her eyes... Her deep and yellow eyes tell a lot of painful stories that I don't want to listen.

"Being in Brightmoon, being away from you made me realize that I don't want to be away from you" said Zion "Cara, please"

Queen Zion seems nice and everything, but insecure and a bit selfish, though.

I saw Queen Cara looking away from Queen Zion.

"I'll think about it"

"Who is she?!" asked Queen Zion. She looked hurt?

"That's irrelevant" said Queen Cara.

"So if I go somewhere I have to expect you to fuck someone else?!" asked Zion.

Oh my, maybe I shouldn't have spied on them, but I was curious so I stayed.

"You didn't just leave! You divorced me! You said that you didn't love me anymore!" yelled Cara back.

"How do I know it is not going to happen again?"

"I could ask you the same: how do I know that you will not wake up one day and decide that you don't want to be with me again?" before Zion could reply Cara continued "I said that I will think about it, but I won't during our daughter's wedding so please let's be as... kind with each other as we can"

I left after that, but since I didn't see Queen Zion during dinner I guess that it didn't end up well.

That was the day that I realized that everyone is afraid of me finding out about sex. I know what sex is and it sounds gross.

Spinerella and Netossa are excited for something called colostrum. I don't know what that is, but they said that it is nice for the baby so I guess it's good, right? I was very excited for the babies.

Veles is drop dead gorgeous and I cannot wait to see what the other babies look like.

Glimmer's belly looked super big and Jaci already moved, but only Glimmer could feel it from the inside. Seanna was apparently doing something to make Mermista want to pee all the time. The biggest belly was Spinerella's and I could feel Maya moving! So great. I wish I have enjoyed that way more than I did.

Entrapta was expecting too but her belly was super small, and Lonnie was expecting too but they would not tell anyone because it was supposed to be all about Catra and Adora.

Queen Angella told me that pregnant people throw up a lot. I asked her if Adora was pregnant too because I saw her throwing up, but Queen Angella smiled and said that she was probably just nervous for the wedding.

But Queen Angella was wrong.

I kind of wish that she had been right.

[Hiatus??] She-Ra and the Princesses of the heat Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora