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Entrapta was at her laboratory building a miniature Emily for some reason that she didn't explain to Hordak while he practiced code while checking on her periodically. Yeah, he was concerned and not very amused with the thought of her getting something so primitive and pointless like the heat, but at least she didn't seem to be having it. Entrapta was never wrong, but maybe she was for once when she said that she had had the heat before.

"It's alive!" said Entrapta "Emily, now you have a sister"

The robot replied with a little "beep beep sound", excitedly.

"Why did you build that miniature of a robot, Entrapta?

"Oh well Glimmer will need assistance from now on"

"With the kingdom?"

"No, with the project of baby"


"Well, yeah, it's not a fully formed baby yet, just a bunch of cells"

"That's not what I meant. What baby?"

"She's expecting"


"Well, I could be wrong but I am 95% sure"


"Isn't it obvious?"

No, it wasn't, but Hordak didn't feel like asking more.

"Yes, of course" lied.

"So I thought that they would need a nanny robot" explained "because we have Emily, but they don't have a robot"

"I see... Wait, what?!"

"I will have to upgrade Emily to make her safe for the baby, that's also why I started with Glimmer's robot. Don't tell her, but her's is a prototype, but I am like 85% sure that mini Emily won't hurt her baby"

"Why would we need a nanny robot?!"

Imp repeated the word baby in Hordak's voice.

"Ain't we going to have a baby?" asked Entrapta.

Hordak looked at her as if she had asked why wouldn't they commit suicide.

"What do you need a baby for?" asked him.

"Well, couples have babies"

Hordak blushed really hard.

[Hiatus??] She-Ra and the Princesses of the heat Where stories live. Discover now