Adora's Journey I

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"Princess Adora, you shouldn't see that" said Orko.

Adora stopped and turned around to look at the man, her hand caressing her stomach in a protective way.

"What? Why not?" asked the blonde. Her heart was pounding in her chest fast.

"When you see the future you may see something that you don't want to see" said the man wisely.

Adora made her decision and walked towards that wall and saw her children.

She saw a dark haired magicat that resembled greatly to Catra. Despite of looking like a magicat at first glance, the beautiful creature was a hybrid that had no tail and human-like blue eyes. Adora could not tell if it was a female or a male, maybe they were non-binary. She was so fascinated by their beauty that, only when she wondered how her other kid would look like, that she didn't notice at first that the creature was standing there on their own. Adora gasped in fear and turned to face Orko caressing her belly nervously.

"Where's my other child?"

"Princess Adora-"

"I'm pregnant with twins. There must be another portrait"


"Where is the other portrait?!"

"There's no other portrait, princess Adora. It is what it is, and that's the spot for your children" said Orko.

Adora noticed her tears falling down her eyes in that moment.

"See? Destiny is not a thing: I was destined to have a child and I am having two" said Adora, not fully knowing who was she trying to convince.

"Princess Adora, you have to be born a Grayskull to appear there" said Orko.

Adora understood, and what she understood scared her.

Adora ran out of the royal library, again feeling observed, wishing that she could forget all about the royal portraits.

She knew that Catra was returning that night, but she couldn't see her due to the Krytis influence on pregnant beings, however knowing that her wife was at the castle was somewhat relaxing in a way, not the usual way though, the Adora relaxed way. She could see her from very far though and noticed that she had her head covered, which was unusual in Catra, and wondered why. She also saw that Kyle was carrying... A sword?


Catra missed Adora really bad, like really really bad, and she had a lot to tell her about Krytis and all that had happened there. She had found out some truths about Adora's parents, Kyle had found a sword that no one but him could carry and they, well more precisely her, had found a new friend: Melog. Melog was a feline sentient being that had formed an incredible bond with her, so strong that the feline had left its home in Krytis to follow Catra.

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