Something Borrowed

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A couple of weeks after their departure Cara received a very touching letter from her daughter. Catra announced in it that she planned on getting married in Purrsia, and also in making the kingdom their home, she explained that Adora was fascinated by its History and that she was dreaming of returning, but that she herself needed more time to learn about politics to be a good princess. Cara couldn't feel prouder.

"So, C'yra sent you a letter" commented the old magicat.


"She's a good kid, I am glad you named her after me" said C'yra the Second sitting next to her daughter.

"Yes... Zion haven't sent me a single letter" said. She was still devasted by her ex' absence.

"Cara, sweetie, she divorced you"

"But I love her" said the Queen "I can't believe she's out there having fun, forgetting about me"

"Cara, life's more simple. Your daughter is a grown-up and now you're single... Have fun, get laid"


"You have another letter from Brightmoon" said her mother.

Cara took it from her mother's hands and ripped the envelope to read it.

"It's not from Zion" said, disappointed "it's from... You know"

"Cara, consider it please"

"Okay mother, maybe you're right" said Cara.

"Look, let me tell you something. If C'yra hasn't mentioned anything about the divorce is because she doesn't know, so she will not tell Zion if you are fine or not because why would she? After all if you were still married she would be sending letters to you, but since she's not as far as she knows you could be dead. You're crying and sending letters to someone who doesn't care if you are okay or not, crying for someone who is probably using the title you give her via marriage to live her new life. She's going to shame you, to make you look like a cheated on fool, Cara!"

These words hurt, hurt a lot, even more when she realized that her mom could be perfectly right in everything.

"Okay, I am going to read this letter and to take a decision about it"

Cara read the letter, then she meticulously folded the paper. The room stayed silent for about half an hour before Cara spoke again.

"Okay mom, yes, set up the date"

"Okay, sweetie. What did the letter say?"

"That she's delighted by the news and that you're immensely generous for setting up the date for us... You would have made a fool of yourself if I had said no" said Cara, smiling.

"Please, I knew you would eventually see my point"


About a week later Catra and Zion were admiring all the beautiful fabrics that Angella had given her as a present, she could pick any of those expensive fabrics for her wedding attire. They were gorgeous, over the top in the purest Brightmoon style, but nothing shiny that Sparkles' would pick for herself.

"Angella is been very generous, but you probably should attend your princess lessons today" said the mother.

"Not lesson today. Castaspella had to attend a meeting somewhere and she won't return until tomorrow. Adora is with her squad so we have plenty of time before she returns"

Catra seemed very excited.

"I have to tell you something, sweetheart" announced her mother.

Catra looked away from the fabrics, her mother sounded very serious.

"What's wrong?"

"C'yra... Your mother and I... This is not easy to say. Your mother and I are not together anymore"

Catra was more confused than ever.

"What? Come again"

"Look, our relationship wasn't working anymore-"


"We both still love you, it doesn't change anything between us and you-"


"And I want to see the world and-"

"No! No! No! Why?! You left her?!"


"You left her?! She wanted nothing but to please you!! She's been nothing but a perfect wife the whole time!!!"

"I know it's diffi-"

"She carried on an investigation secretly to find me, she took care of you when you were sick!!! And suddenly she's not good enough?!"

"C'yra, please" they both were crying "I am grateful for what she did for me... But I just don't love her anymore. I care about her, but I cannot live in a lie"

Catra was done with both Zion and the conversation, but the other magicat didn't let her leave the room.

"If Adora wanted to leave you would let her, right?"

Catra went feral.

"How dare you to suggest that Adora is going to leave me?"


Catra was showing her claws.

"Don't talk to me ever again"

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