Wedding I

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Bow was getting ready, very nervous too. He was wearing a more elegant version of his princess prom suit.

"Congrats, Bow!" said Sea Hawk "this is going to be a good day"

"Yes, I know. I wonder if Glimmer is okay, our parents hadn't allowed us to see or talk to each other for a couple of days and since Glimmer's powers are unstable she couldn't sneak out to see me" said the groom.

"I have seen her" said Swift Wind "Adora kicked me off but she looked good, she is excited"

"Was she nauseous? She's been nauseous lately" explained Bow.

"Calm down, baby papa" said Sea Hawk "they are fine"

"I think that we should get ready for the wedding" suggested the flying horse.


In a bathroom there was Mermista throwing up while Scorpia took care of her.

"You're fine, Mermista" said the scorpion princess, not so sure but wanted to believe it.

"I hate this" said the other princess.

"Yeah... We all know that you didn't want this baby" said Scorpia.

Mermista groaned and rolled her eyes.

"No, I didn't want to have a baby right now, but I don't regret being pregnant" explained "but I hate all the throwing up, and I hate being concerned all the time"

"Why would you be concerned? Babies are awesome!!!" replied the other princess, sounding pretty excited.

"You know that pregnancies don't always end with a happily ever after, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I had a miscarriage a couple of years ago" explained the princess of the sea.

"Oh, Mermista..." said Scorpia.

"I was excited for that baby, but Sea Hawk and I waited because the healers said that I was bleeding too much and I could miscarry. I miscarried" explained.

"But that doesn't mean that it's going to happen again"

"I know, but I am scared" said Mermista "once the healers said that everything looks fine Sea Hawk and I agreed to tell you... But I am scared"

The scorpion princess hugged the sea one. Mermista felt better after telling someone about her fears.


Frosta was getting the guests and telling them where to sit. She was doing a good job, but she was just doing it because Glimmer wanted to keep her busy so she wouldn't bother them while getting ready.


"Queen Cara of D'riluth"

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