The Crib

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The next day Bow woke up a feeling a bit sore, but that was to expect since he and Glimmer had spent most of the night enjoying themselves in bed. Speaking of Glimmer, she was asleep in all her naked glory.

"So beautiful" commented Bow "my wife"

There was proud in his words because he couldn't be happier. He had married Glimmer, his best friend, the love of his life, and they were expecting a little princess. Life couldn't be better. He was already making a crib for the baby, but Glimmer didn't know yet and knowing her she would not be awake in another two hours at least, so he got dressed in his normal, non royal, clothes and exited the room to continue making the crib, when he was about to arrive to his lab he found Adora carrying a backpack, as if she was leaving for a mission.

"Good morning, Adora" greeted her.

"Oh, hi Bow. I thought that you would not wake up this early. Is Glimmer okay?"

"Yes, she's fine. I am going to continue with the crib until she wakes up. Where are you going?"

"Well, it's a pretty long story but... Well, Queen Cara is Catra's mom" said the blonde.

"Wait, what?!" asked Bow "Does Catra know?!"

Adora nodded.

"We are going to Purrsia so she can meet her other mom..." explained the blonde.

"You don't seem very happy" noticed the man.

"I don't want to leave you and Glimmer alone now, specially not now that she's pregnant" explained Adora. Bow smiled at her tenderly.

"Adora, you have to live your own life. Glimmer and I will be fine" said the boy.

"But I promised to take care of all of you" said the woman, looking comcerned.

"Adora, you need to seek your own happiness too. You are going to marry Catra, and now that she has found her biological family perhaps is your chance to have a loving family of your own. We will always be your friends, and we will never think less of you for living your own life" explained the archer.

"What if something bad happens?"

"Adora, Glimmer and I will take care of each other. For once in your life put yourself first. Enjoy this opportunity"

Adora nodded and they hugged before saying goodbye. From his lab window Bow saw Adora and Catra holding hands while entering to Queen Cara's carriage.

He was proud of Adora, she deserved to be happy and to stop seeing herself as everyone's keeper.

He worked in the crib long enough until he heard someone knocking on the door.

"Come in" said the archer.

"Good morning, son" it was Lance.

"Oh, hi dad" greeted him back.

"The crib is looking great" said Lance, crying again.

Bow had gotten most of his personal traits from Lance, specially his crying when he was excited or happy, so he understood that anything Jaci related was something special to the soon to be grandpa.

"Yes, I just hope that Glimmer thinks the same once is done" said Bow.

"What's that?" asked Lance pointing to a round metallic thing.

"Oh, that's Amaly. It's a robot that Entrapta built for the baby, but it's turned off right now because we are still improving its design"

"Have you thought about baby names? I know it's soon but I would like to knit something for her with her name in it" said the proud grandpa.

"Well, yeah. Her name is Jaci" said Bow "it was my idea, it means moon. Glimmer loved it"

Lance smiled and nodded pleased.

"It's a good name"

"You're the first to know"


Glimmer woke up, feeling nauseous as usual, but Bow was right there with a tea for her. Tea seemed to help her with morning sickness.

"Good morning, my dear wife"

"Good morning, my dear husband"

Glimmer received the cup of tea from him and while taking a sip she noticed something that wasn't there before. It was covered with a purple sheet.

"Bow, what's that?" asked.

"I hope you like it"

Bow retired the sheet to reveal a crib that looked nothing like the ones she had seen before. First of all, the crib was round, had a pink raised mattress and a movile with a bunch of Bow and Glimmer shaped plushies.

Glimmer left the cup of tea in a nearby table and approached the crib, silent, and touched it.

"Do... Do you like it?" asked Bow.

"Did... Did you make this?"

"Well, yeah. My parents helped me with the plushies though"

"It's... Perfect" said Glimmer "it's beautiful"

She run to hug her husband. He hugged her back.

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