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In another cell, Cara was checking on Huntara's arm.

"It's fractured" said the magicat "and it is bad"

"And all for nothing! They have my flower!" said the other woman, frustrated "They took her and I couldn't do anything to help it"

"My baby... They have my baby" said Zion.

Zion, due to the shock of the events, was sitting in a corner just crying for her daughter, as if she didn't actually care about her own life.

Angella and Micah were holding hands, thinking, trying to find a way out.

"We could get out but..."

"They will kill Glimmer if we do" said Angella "I am not risking our daughter's life"

"Angie, don't cry"

Angella hadn't realized that there were tears falling down her eyes.

Were the girls okay? She felt something tapping her on the wing and saw Imp.

"Calm down, little one, I bet they are fine" said the queen.

Imp's expression told her that he wasn't believing it.

Castaspella was silent, very silent.


"Oh, we have royalty here"

Horde Prime's voice was poisonous. It sounded like a polite yet cruel snake spitting out words as if they meant nothing.

The Princesses tried their best to be brave, but all of them knew that they were facing the worst possible scenario. Frosta was being held by Perfuma, which was good because the little one was unaware of the danger, still not awake. Them all were in a cage that prevented them from listening what was going on outside of it, where Entrapta and Hordak were.

"Brother..." said Hordak "Let us go"

"Is this your princess? You are so pathetic, so imperfect, that you have picked someone as pathetic as you... A princess that doesn't have the looks" said Horde Prime "ugly and imperfect, like you"


Horde Prime tried to touch Entrapta's hair, but she slapped him with her hair.

"At least she's brave" said Horde Prime "but a stupid"

"Don't call her that!"

Hordak was grabbed by the neck. Entrapta, on the other hand, was put in a weird chair by two clones, no matter how much she fought, and soon was unable to speak or move anything but her eyes.

"You are nothing, Hordak!!!" said Horde Prime "Nothing!!!"

The Princesses had a first line sight of Horde Prime beating up Hordak until he was a bloody mess. Mermista threw up in the cage and Glimmer was still, along with Adora, trying to get out.

"And now you will see my power"

Hordak's exoskeleton was too damaged for him to move, so he had to see Horde Prime approaching Entrapta.

"Don't touch her!"

Horde Prime didn't obey and instead observed the princess.

"Congratulations, brother, you are going to be a father... Today" said Horde Prime "But don't worry, it won't hurt her... Too much. As I see the baby is pretty far in its development, so I could turn it into a soldier for the Horde"

Their baby wasn't actually that far into the pregnancy, but its development was because Entrapta and Hordak had made it grow faster, as they were impatient to have it"

Horde prime stung Entrapta's belly with multiple of his hair strands, and soon there was blood between her legs. When Horde Prime was sure that she would not run away (because she would not be able) deactivated the chair. The first thing that Entrapta did was scream horribly.

Horde Prime sat as his throne, enjoying seeing Entrapta realize that she was having fast and extremely painful contractions. She had to take off her pants and panties and give birth there, bleeding a lot, by herself. She pushed out her baby and immediately held it with her pigtails... She cut the umbilical cord and observed the child... It was a boy, a little, perfectly formed, stillbirth.

Their son was dead.

"I guess you ain't being a father today after all" said Horde Prime, enjoying the experience.

[Hiatus??] She-Ra and the Princesses of the heat Where stories live. Discover now