I am his and he is mine

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"Why do you hate swearing so much?" Zuko looked up from the new policy he was reading over, and raised a singular eyebrow at his fiance.

"Because my father was a cruel man" Zuko spoke as he returned his eyes to the table and picked up the scroll that lay on the table.

"What did he do?" The concern in Sokka's voice warranted Zuko flicking his eyes back to his fiance and saw his face painted with something that was either concern, or disgust. Most likely the latter.

"When I was a little kid Lu Ten taught me and Azula forbidden words, he told us never to say them out loud or we would be in trouble... Azula said a bad word in front of Ozai and she got a firm talking to, I said a bad word in his hearing, and Azula's was arguably worse, and he whipped a belt across the back of my legs ten times... he did that every time I swore, I only did it twice after the first time" Zuko could hear the sadness in his voice and he could practically feel Sokka's horrified expression.

"Zuko that's horrible" Sokka was wearing an expression Zuko couldn't place. It looked like anger, but there was something else lying under it.

"Like I said, he was a cruel man" Zuko let the scroll drop from his fingers, the Earth Kingdom territory law forgotten for the moment.

Sokka had the kind of smirk on his face that Zuko knew was going to a produce an idea akin to 'see how high Aang can jump', or 'what's the highest place Sokka can jump off and still get healed by a very annoyed Katara'. Zuko placed his elbow on the table and rested his face on his hand while Sokka continued smirking like a madman.

"If you care to take this dare, I'll make a bet with you" a smile spread across Zuko's face, he recognised the poem Sokka was quoting, and was glad his fiance was reading up on Fire Nation literature.

"That was oddly poetic, Sokka" Zuko's lips twitched into a smile.

"Your mother told me it was your favourite poem, and I wanted to read it so I could know why you like it so much" Zuko could feel his smile growing brighter. He would never tire of the small gestures of love and romance Sokka gave him. He decided to turn back to the bet.

Okay, I'll bite, what's the wager?"

"I bet that I can make you swear within a month. If I lose I'll eat a fire pepper in front of all of our friends, Azula and Toph included. If I win, I get to wear the crown for a day and pass a really silly law" Zuko leaned back in his seat. He liked the sound of this bet.

"Wow, eating a fire pepper in front of Toph and Azula, that's a bold move for your weak taste buds and your dignity. But nevertheless, you're on Boomerang"

"Really?" Zuko's heart fluttered slightly at the lit up grin on Sokka's face. "I thought the law thing would deter you slightly"

"You do realise that I have the final say on every single law right?" Zuko decided to adopt a smug grin and cross his arms.

"Well once we're married I can pass a law without your signature" The smug smile fell off Zuko's face.

"So you're marrying me for power?" There was a hint of amusement in Zuko's voice that split Sokka's face into a grin.

"Yes I am" Zuko kept his eyes trained on his impudent fiance as Sokka sauntered over to straddle Zuko's lap.

"Good to know" Zuko smirked as Sokka cut him off with a kiss.

"For fucks sake, Zuko, stop moving" Zuko was dragged violently out of his memory of the bet he'd made with Sokka, and winced as he felt Azula raking her hands unceremoniously through his hair.

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