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When Sokka opened his eyes the next morning and couldn't see Zuko he panicked, thinking that Jet had really taken him, however, his fear was quickly put to rest when he felt Zuko's arms constrict tighter around him. The water tribe boy carefully peeled himself away from his boyfriend and went to select his clothes for the day. He tried to make as little noise as possible so as not to disturb Zuko, however, this didn't work and Sokka turned as he heard his boyfriend sitting up and calling his name.

"Sokka?" Zuko sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He felt Ra crawling up his back and gave the dragon a little chin scratch when he settled on his shoulder.

"Hey there Zuko" Sokka smiled as he turned around. "How did you sleep?" He asked feigning innocence.

"Sokka, we're really not gonna talk about last night?" Zuko tilted his head and raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend.

"Come on, Zuko, I don't make you talk about your nightmares" Sokka groaned as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Sokka, I've never seen you have a nightmare, and Katara said they're rare for you and when they do happen, they're bad! Please, tell me what happened so I can help!" Zuko pleaded with his boyfriend.

"Zuko, I can't tell you"

"I'm your boyfriend Sokka, you don't have to keep secrets from me!"

"It will hurt you"


"Because it was about Jet, okay!" Sokka immediately regretted raising his hand and snapping as Zuko raised his arm to protect his face and Ra snarled at the water tribe boy. "Oh, spirits, Zuko I'm sorry for snapping at you, I didn't mean to" the non-bender tried to apologise.

"It's okay Sokka, please, tell me what happened! Jet is involved, I need to know, I promise I won't get upset or panic!" Zuko begged his boyfriend to tell him what happened.

"Okay... my dream started at the Boiling Rock, you and Azula made me watch as my dad was thrown into the lake" Sokka suddenly took a large interest in his shoes.

"Sokka I'm so sorry, you know I would never stand by and let that happen, but please, tell me how Jet fits in" Zuko asked, desperate to know what had happened.

"That was the first part of my dream, the second part was when Jet... had you... oh spirits! Zuko please don't make me say it" Sokka tightly shut his eyes and his hands flew to cover his ears.

Zuko furrowed his eyebrows and stepped off the bed. He walked over to Sokka and wrapped him in what the firebender hoped was a comforting embrace. He put his hand on the back of Sokka's head and ran his hands through the non-bender's hair. While Zuko embraced his boyfriend, Ra ran onto Sokka's shoulder and tried to comfort him by nuzzling his ear.

"It's okay Sokka, you're safe, your father is safe, and I'm safe! If anyone was going to try kidnap me, they would have to get into the palace, which is not all that possible" Zuko whispered, planting a kiss on Sokka's head, trying to keep him from breaking down and panicking.

"Thank you for singing to me last night Hotshot, it really helped"

"I'm happy it helped you Boomerang, I was so scared when I saw you hyperventilating last night, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to stop you panicking" Zuko whispered trying to keep his voice from cracking as he thought back to how horrific the previous night was.

"I was so scared Zuko... I love you so, so much! I can't lose you to Jet..." Sokka felt a wave of fear hit him and he started to cry again.

"I love you too Sokka, don't worry, you won't lose me, ever" Zuko had been contemplating this for a few days, but right then, right there, his mind was made up! Sokka was hurt now, not just Zuko, he had to confront Jet!

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