What do we do with a drunken sailor?

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*Attention: may contain alcohol and a trollied Firelord who just so happens to be a sexual drunk! Proceed with caution if you're discomforted by these things!*

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvBGteH7ePQ -  this is what I had in my head for Zuko's song, it's real creepy so please proceed with caution and look at it at your own discretion. 


"Okay, Shen, you're up, I'm gonna guess some things about you" Zuko grinned confidently.

"Alright" Shen leaned forwards slightly.

"You have a wife"


Zuko took a sip of his wine.

"You had a wife"


Another sip of wine.

"You joined the army when you were thirteen" Zuko grinned at the Captain.

Shen took a drink of his wine. "That's cheating, I told you that when you selected me for the voyage" the Captain accused the Firelord.

Zuko did his best to look thoroughly wounded. He must admit, he had a flair for the dramatic.

"Alright Zuko, my turn, you have never known the joys of bedding a high born Lady" Shen grinned smugly at the Firelord.

Zuko drank.

"You were never all that interested in the company of women" Shen was confident he was going to get Zuko on this one.

"Drink" the Firelord grinned.

"Okay, I'm starting to see how the game works" Sokka grinned as he took his arm off Zuko's shoulder and turned to face him. 

"Okay, Hotshot, I'm gonna guess how you got your scar"

"Okay, but I'm limiting your guesses because if I don't you'll die from alcohol poisoning" Zuko gave his boyfriend a contented smirk, knowing he wasn't going to guess correctly.

The firebender felt Ra crawl down from his shoulder and nestle himself between the boys. Sokka instinctively laid a hand over the dragon's back and softly caressed his spine, while Zuko gave him chin scratches.

"You were in a training accident"

"Drink, Boomerang"

"You ran into a rogue, criminal firebender on your travels with your uncle"


"Tortured by an Earth Kingdom army"


"Azula did it by accident"


"Azula did it for fun"

"Hey! She's better than that! Drink" Zuko hissed, glaring at his boyfriend.

"Sorry Zuko"

Two hours into the drinking game the three men had finished four bottles of alcohol and Shen had stumbled off to the hatch to fetch more.

Zuko and Sokka took this time to have a moment of intimacy.

Sokka sat with his back against the sofa and his feet on the floor. He beckoned his beautiful firebender to come to him and Zuko quickly took the hint and straddled his boyfriend's hips.

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