Sokka's dream

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If you're affected by anything that's usually in a trigger warning, please skip down to after the nightmare for cute Zukka fluff!!!*

Sokka looked down at the firebender who was wrapped around him, sleeping peacefully, and realised how much he'd missed Zuko's body warmth. He decided he never wanted to sleep apart from his boyfriend again.

"I'm so lucky I get to call you mine" Sokka smiled down at Zuko, pressing his hand to the back of his boyfriend's head, entangling his fingers in his hair. "You mean everything to me Zuko, and I promise you, that for the rest of our lives, I will protect you, nothing will hurt you as long as I have breath in my body, and I will be with you, forever and always!" Sokka mumbled as he pressed his face to the top of his sleeping boyfriend's head.

Sokka wrapped both arms tighter around his boyfriend, closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Sokka opened his eyes, and saw he was stood atop a mountain. When he looked down, he saw that the ground below him was obscured with what looked like mist. As Sokka was about to walk to the edge of the mountain the scene suddenly shifted, and he was in a large metal box. He looked out of one of the windows of the box and realised he was looking down at the Boiling Rock. He was suddenly filled with panic, but the feeling subsided when he saw Zuko and Azula stood next to him. Before he could ask his boyfriend what was going on, he and Azula both grabbed Sokka by the arms and dragged him out of the gondola.

The Firelord and the princess were dragging him through the corridors toward a cell that was being held open by a guard.

"Goodbye Sokka" Zuko grinned malevolently as he threw Sokka into the cell.

The non-bender ran to the door just as Azula closed it. He peeked through the slot in the door and his heart sank as he watched the fire siblings walking away down the hall, laughing maniacally. Sokka was terrified, he didn't know what was going on or why he was being held captive at the Boiling Rock.

Sokka moved away from the door as he heard footsteps. A guard opened the door and she steered him by the arm out to the gondola landing zone. When the guard had led him to their destination Sokka saw his dad and immediately ran to hug him, breaking free from the guard's grip.

As soon as the non-bender was safely in his dad's embrace, he felt a hand grab his shoulder and rip him away. He turned his head to see Zuko twisting his arm behind his back and holding him still.

"Why Hotshot?" Sokka managed to utter out.

"Quiet Water Tribe peasant!" Zuko snapped, twisting Sokka's arm harder, making him groan with pain.

Sokka felt tears welling up in his eyes as he took in the murderous look on Zuko's face. He looked back to his dad as he was forced to his knees and the fire siblings held his arms out either side of him.

Hakoda was roughly grabbed by the arms and held to the edge that looked down at the bubbling water below. Sokka couldn't look, he turned his head away but Zuko held his head up by his hair, making him watch as they threw his dad over the side of the landing platform. Sokka felt the tears rolling down his face as he screamed and fought against the fire siblings' grip. He could hear Zuko laughing as his dad was thrown into the lake.

Sokka squeezed his eyes shut but when he opened them the scene was different. What he saw was even more horrifying, Zuko was chained to a wall with a gag over his mouth. The firebender had clearly been through a struggle, his good eye had a dark bruise around it and his lips were cut and bleeding. His eyes were opened wide in fear and there were dried tear streaks running down his face.

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