Return to the Fire Nation

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When Katara opened her eyes, she was pleasantly surprised to see Aang sat next to her.

"How you feeling?" Aang asked her, gripping her hand in both of his.

"Much better, where are the others?"

"Checking on Zuko and supervising preparations for Sokka's farewell party" Aang smiled, kissing the top of Katara's head.

"What happened to Zuko?" Katara asked, concern lacing her voice.

"It's nothing to worry about, you both collapsed from exhaustion. You pulled off some pretty cool bending! Though yours was much more spectacular" Aang assured his girlfriend as he cupped her face in his hands and leaned in to kiss her.

The two sat there for a few moments, enjoying each other's company, and letting Katara get more rest.

The sun was high in the sky when Zuko regained consciousness and saw Sokka sat at his bedside. The firebender noticed Ra laying on his chest. The dragon's face was buried in Zuko's neck, and he could feel small, warm breaths coming out of Ra's nose as he breathed out. It was a comforting feeling, holding Sokka's hand and feeling the small creature's weight on his chest.

"How you feeling Hotshot?"

"I've felt worse" Zuko smiled at his boyfriend as he sat up.

Toph and Suki were helping out with preparations for Sokka's goodbye party, though it was mostly Suki helping out, Toph was just holding stuff.

"How's it looking Suki?" Toph asked handing Suki more decorations. She didn't know what the hell they were decorating the recently built feast area with, but she trusted that Suki was doing a good job.

"It looks good Toph, thanks for helping me out" Suki smiled at the earthbender as they moved onto the next bit they needed to decorate. She was glad to have Toph's company while decorating.

When the two girls were finished, they stood back and admired their handywork, or rather Suki admired their handywork, Toph just took her word for it.

A few hours later the group were all dressed up nicely and were being led to their seats for Sokka's goodbye party. The first part of the party was a feast and team Avatar were sat at the head table with the Chiefs and the Earth King. Zuko could not have been more unhappy that he was seated next to the Earth King again, though this time Sokka was seated on the other side of him.

To Zuko's pleasant surprise the Earth King didn't pay him and Sokka any mind for the entire time they were sat at the table.

When the people sat at the lower tables were finished eating the tables were put away so there was space for the crowd of people to dance. This stirred up quite a lot of excitement between Aang and Katara and they both ran off to dance together.

Katara put her hand on Aang's shoulder, and he put his hand on her waist, their other hands were clasped together, and it was there they swayed under the evening sun together.

"I know we haven't told each other this yet, and I don't want you to feel pressured to say it back, and I don't mind if it's too soon, I mean, I do mind, but-" Aang's rambling was cut off when Katara planted her lips firmly onto his and they stopped moving.

"I love you too Aang" Katara smiled as she parted their lips and looked lovingly into her boyfriend's eyes.

There was a warm, fluttery feeling in Aang's heart as he heard the words, he'd been longing for Katara to say. He wrapped his arms around his beautiful girlfriend and there they stood in a loving embrace, until the music's pace picked up and the two broke out into a more upbeat dance

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