Hotshot and Boomerang

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The sounds of Admiral Vise and General Baenor being slammed into various trees filled the Gardens of Rahi, as the two men sparred with the Firelord.

"Is that all you two have got?" Zuko grinned sarcastically as he adjusted the deep red wrist wrapping on his right hand, mentally cursing Katara for making him still wear them when firebending and sword fighting.

"Your Majesty, you're forgetting how powerful of a firebender you've become" Vise grinned, hauling himself out of the pond that he'd fallen into after being thrown back by Zuko's firebending. Stealing a quick glare at a very disgruntled turtleduck.

"Agreed" Baenor groaned, leaning his head back against the tree. He glared at Ra, having sworn he heard the dragon laughing from where he was curled up in the sunlight on the grass.

"Give it a few more years and you two might be able to fight a turtleduck" Sokka grinned jovially at the two men as they prepared a stance to spar with the Firelord again.

"If you're so confident, then join us and fight your boyfriend" Vise grinned at Sokka, who sauntered over, drawing his sword.

"Vise, you act like that's an issue for me" Sokka bragged, flashing Zuko a cocksure grin, which was met with a playful scowl.

"I'll go easy on you, my warrior" Zuko snarked at his boyfriend, then blew a small puff of flame out of his mouth.

Sokka could feel warmth spreading through his chest at the new nickname. "Don't worry about going easy on me, pretty boy" Sokka winked. He could practically feel Vise and Baenor rolling their eyes at the shameless flirting.

Zuko did in fact, not go easy on any of them. Though surprisingly, Sokka held out considerably longer than Vise and Baenor. The water tribesman rolled out of the way of a well timed fireball and got to his feet, readying his sword and khopesh.

Zuko smiled, suspiciously sweetly, at Sokka and skated towards him atop his firebending. He summoned a flame to his hand, ready to knock Sokka to the ground.

What happened next was surprising to say the least. As Zuko zipped towards his boyfriend, Sokka ducked the hand that reached out for him, swiped Zuko's spear from the sheath on his back, and swung it into the back of his legs, causing the Firelord's knees to buckle and collapse on the ground.

As Zuko stared up at Sokka in shock the tribesman took the opportunity to straddle the firebender and pin him to the ground. Zuko smiled up at his boyfriend but the smile quickly dropped from his face when he heard Vise laughing uproariously.

"Got you Hotshot" Sokka grinned as he bent down to kiss Zuko. Trying to distract him from Vise laughing, and Baenor elbowing him to shut up.

"You got me Boomerang" Zuko smiled as Sokka pulled away.

"Shower?" Sokka asked, feeling the effects of the sparring match.

"Shower" Zuko agreed.

"Don't forget, Your Majesty, you have a meeting to discuss new trading policies with the Northern Water Tribe in a few weeks" Zuko heard Baenor calling after him and he waved his hand slightly, to indicate he understood.

A few minutes later Sokka found himself in the shower, with Zuko shouting at him about what clothes he wanted him to pack for their journey to Ba Sing Se.

They were going to a reparations meeting, initiated by the Earth King, and staying with Toph and Suki. Sokka wanted to look his best hence telling Zuko to pack the armour he wore on the invasion.

He could feel the water running down his back, cleaning off all the sweat and muck from the sparring match. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, letting the water run down his face. He'd wanted Zuko to join him in the shower, but sadly the Firelord took his showers alone. But that wasn't going to deter Sokka from keeping on trying to get his boyfriend to do these sorts of things.

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