From this day until my last day

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Toph had been mulling it over, and she had reached the conclusion that Zuko and Sokka were officially, late. Even though the meeting time of mid morning was rather vague his Fiery Majesty was still late.

"How late can they be?" Toph finally spoke out loud as Suki wrapped an arm around her.

"They're not that late, Toph, relax, are you really that eager to get on the back of a flying dragon?" Suki knew her girlfriend well, and she knew Toph hated flight.

"I can't believe Twinkletoes proposed, I thought it would take at least a few more years" Toph laughed, deciding to change the subject so as to not give her annoyingly correct girlfriend the satisfaction of being right. She and Suki were standing outside the train station in the outer ring. Their meeting point.

"I had bet on it taking him five years, I owe Zuko three gold pieces now" Suki sighed.

"I also bet on five years, now I owe also owe Zuko three gold pieces"

"At least Sokka owes both of us three gold pieces each"

"I like betting!" Toph grinned.

"Yeah, from what I heard about your scams with Sokka and Aang I'm not surprised at all" Suki laughed as she planted a kiss on Toph's cheek.

"Who told you?"

"Katara did, I'm hurt that we've never pulled scams together, if we get caught Zuko or Aang can bail us out"

"I know it's not a scam, but we could bet on when Sparky will propose?" Toph grinned after deciding Katara was a traitor.

"I'm not taking that wager Toph, because I think Sokka will propose first, but I will be expecting us to have a little bit of harmless fun when we get back home"

Before Toph could respond she heard the sound of their ride arriving, a bone chilling, screeching roar. From the earthquake that assaulted her feet she assumed Ra had landed in front of them.

"Pay up, Beifong!" Toph glowered at the sound of Zuko's voice and asked Suki to move her head in his general direction so she could stick her tongue out at him.

"Took you long enough, Sparky" Toph grinned as Zuko helped her up onto Ra's enormous back. "You'll get your gold pieces when the ring is on Sugar Queen's finger" the earthbender got herself properly situated on Ra's back and latched on to Suki for support.

"Sokka delayed us"

"That's a lie and you know it, Jerkbender!"

"I'm not the pillock that fell down the stairs"

"See, this is what he does, he throws Fire Nation insults at me and just expects me to understand them" Sokka exclaimed, dramatically putting a hand on his chest.

"My love, need I remind you that you've been living in the Fire Nation for quite a few years now and yesterday you called someone a 'tosser'?" Zuko gave his boyfriend a smug smile, pointing out a very well known Fire Nation insult. The Firelord hoisted himself up onto Ra, and flew him in the direction of the southern tribe.

"Can we circle back for a second? I've missed something here, Sokka fell down the stairs?" Suki asked incredulously.

"That, he did, Suki"

"For your information, last night Zuko and I were drinking and I woke up with a horrible hangover because I tried to beat my drinking record" Sokka informed the group while Zuko laughed.

"Why aren't you hungover Sparky?"

"Because Sokka kept drinking all of my whiskey" Zuko glared at his boyfriend who squeaked out an apology.

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