Zuko's dream

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Zuko was sat on his throne looking out at the throne room. 

"Firelord Zuko" 

He looked around for the mysterious voice. When he looked back to the throne room in front of him, he saw Sokka, Aang, Katara, Toph, Suki, his mother and Azula on their knees. He suddenly felt something gripping him and pushing him to his knees. He was kneeling on the throne with his arms held outstretched either side of him and his head held up by his hair. Whatever was holding forced him to watch as the people he loved were consumed by darkness. Zuko was made to listen as his friends and family screamed as they were slain by an unseen force. The Firelord felt tears rolling down his face and he screamed as he watched his loved ones die.

Zuko jolted awake and screamed as he sat up in his bed. Breathing hard, covered in sweat and panicked he laid his head in his hands and cried. He heard the door opening and looked up as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Sokka's concerned face greeted his eyes as he looked up.

Sokka pulled Zuko into his side and ran his hands through the firebender's hair. "Wanna talk about it?" He whispered softly as he continued to run his hands through Zuko's hair, attempting to calm him down. Sokka felt his friend shake his head softly and he tightened his grip on Zuko's shoulder.

"I miss her Sokka" Zuko mumbled into the non-bender's chest.


"My mother"

Sokka stiffened as he realised, he didn't know what happened to Zuko's mother. "What happened to her?" He asked.

"She disappeared one night, and after that, I never saw her again. My grandfather died the next day"

"That's a lot to take on in a day"

"It was hard, and the pain of my mother leaving doesn't get any easier as time goes on"

The two boys sat in silence for a while longer, Sokka not taking his arm off Zuko and still running his fingers through the Firelord's hair.

"Want me to go?"


"Want me to stay with you until you go back to sleep?"

"Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah. You're my friend. If this is how I can help you then I'm more than happy to do it. We all just want each other to feel happy and safe"

The two lay in Zuko's bed next to each other, their hands side by side and barely touching. The space between their fingertips made Sokka feel a funny mixture of angry and sad. He couldn't work out whether he wanted to hold onto Zuko's hand or pull his hand away. Sokka felt something next to his head shift and turned to look at Zuko's head facing him, he resisted the urge to trace his fingertips over the scar on his friend's face. Most people look extremely odd when they're asleep, not Zuko. The Firelord was always beautiful, Sokka had thought so ever since they'd gone to the boiling rock together, even in a torn up, dirty prison uniform Zuko still looked as beautiful as ever.

With these odd thoughts racing around Sokka's head he fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.

When Sokka woke up he turned his head looking at Zuko who was dressed and sat on the edge of his bed. "Morning Zuko" he said sitting up, cross legged on the bed.

"Hey Sokka. I've been thinking about what we talked about last night. Maybe with the Avatar on our team, we could find my mother."

"You know that we'd follow you in whatever you wanted or needed to do"

Zuko's eyes adopted a dark look.

"Then it's settled, after breakfast, we start the search!"


Hey look we got gay filler!

As always please leave comments and like the story so the website gives it more attention and a huge thank you to the people that are reading my trash fanfic!

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