Star crossed lovers

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"Really, Zuko, how did you know about the ceremonial water tribe cloth?" Sokka asked his boyfriend as they entered the theatre.

"Well, while we were on the ship, I sent a messenger hawk to Hahn asking if there was anything special to the Southern Tribe that I could use on your weapon, and he told me about the significance of your arm wraps, he said he had some spares that he could combine with your weapon and I told him to go for it, I wanted your weapon to be really special Boomerang" Zuko smiled at Sokka as they took their seats.

"I really appreciate it Hotshot, thank you" Sokka smiled as he kissed Zuko on the cheek.

"So this play, what's it about?" Zuko put his arm around Sokka and kissed him on the head when his boyfriend lay his head on the firebender's shoulder.

"I have no idea, I looked at the people who produced it and they've done some pretty good stuff, so I figured this one would be just as decent" Sokka didn't really know what the play was about, he'd just picked a random one.

"Well let's hope it's not as terrible as the last play you dragged us all to... wait! This isn't by those damn Ember Island Players is it?"

"Relax, it's not the Ember Island Players, I know you'd burn the theatre to the ground if it was by those idiots, don't worry Hotshot, you'll love it, I promise!" Sokka tried to assure his boyfriend.

He knew he was in for a rough ride taking Zuko to the theatre. Since he was royalty he had been made to intensely study the arts as a young child, so every time the Firelord saw a bad play he would mercilessly tear it asunder. Sokka had learned his lesson after the last play they went to. The storyline was perfectly fine, but Zuko said the acting was wooden, the singing was off key, and the actors kept forgetting their lines.

Sokka was pulled out of his thoughts by the play commencing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to welcome you, to the heartwarming story of two lovers, separated by a war that lasted for a hundred years, our story begins in the time of Firelord Ozai" a disembodied voice introduced the play, and the theatre dimmed as the curtain rose, revealing a scene where a girl was stood outside a shop, holding a large box.

A tall man in Fire Nation armour walked onto the stage and he and the girl collided. She dropped the box and various tea bags spilled out onto the stage.

"My apologies, miss" the man said as he bent down to gather the spilled tea.

"No, please, the fault is mine sir" the girl said as she also bent to put the tea back in the large box.

"Let me carry the box for you ma'am" the man offered, picking up the box for the blushing young girl.

"Thank you, sir, may I ask your name? Mine is Zia" the girl introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you Zia, my name is General Valar" the General introduced himself.

The lights left the stage and it went dark and only the actor's voices could be heard as they exchanged a conversation.

"There's a wonderful place not too far from here, I would be honoured if you would join me there" came the girl's voice.

"Of course I would join you my dear"

"And so it was there, atop the sunny hillside on Ember Island that Zia and Valar met for the next few months, and slowly but surely, they fell deeply, and truly in love" came the voice of the narrator.

The lights came back and there was a large green blanket covering the stage and the couple were sat on it, leaning against a tree wrapped in each other's arms.

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