Bending match pt. 2

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Once the group had regained enough composure to speak it was time for Toph and Katara's turn. The girls took their place in the arena and waited for Sokka to start their match.

"Just one more person to kick into the dirt and then I win!" Toph gloated gleefully at Katara.

"You yeeted Zuko into the sea and tricked Aang into zooming out of the circle, you haven't kicked anyone" Katara smiled at Toph.

"You're dead Sugar Queen!"

"Bring it Gremlin!"


Katara grinned evilly at Toph not caring that the earthbender couldn't see her malicious smiling.


Toph shifted in her stance slightly, feeling for where Katara had the least balance. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous fighting a waterbender in the south pole on the full moon.


Katara decided to imitate something she'd seen Azula do a few times. She bended water underneath her and used it to surf towards Toph. She dodged out of the way of the few boulders that had been sent vaguely in her direction.

Toph was getting increasingly fed up of feeling bending instead of the benders it was attached to. She felt Katara doing some sort of water surfing towards her. The earthbender decided to throw rocks in Katara's general direction to distract her and draw her focus.

Katara easily dodged the rocks Toph had sent her way and continued her surf towards the earthbender. Katara felt the ground tremble slightly and was hurled through the air when a spike of earth erupted directly below her. She was tossed off her water transport and rolled towards the earthbender stopping at her feet. Katara looked at Toph smiling down smugly at her.

"Prepare to be shoved out of the ring Sugar Queen"

"In your dreams Gremlin"

Katara rolled out the way as Toph rapidly fired pebbles at her. She used her bending to push herself up to standing and prepared to beat the earthbending gremlin.

Katara started by planting her feet into the ground and twisting them, freezing her feet in place, ensuring she couldn't be knocked down. She sprouted spider-like water tentacles from her back to fend off Toph's attacks while she worked on her finishing move. The first step to her plan was: use an earthbending form to extend a part of the platform so Toph didn't fall in the water. The second step was to freeze Toph's feet in place. Once the earthbender's feet had been sunk into the ground and frozen there Katara enacted the third and final step. Again, using an earthbending form, she uprooted a disc of ice that had Toph frozen in it, lifted it high up in the air and deposited Toph outside the circle.

"I do believe you're out of bounds" Katara crossed her arms and smiled smugly at her friend.

The group watched incredulously as Toph was deposited outside the boundary line.

"Oi! Someone firebend me out of this!" Toph ordered at the group, feet still frozen in place.

Zuko heated his palms enough to melt the ice and warm Toph's feet, ensuring his hands weren't hot enough to burn her. Aang had volunteered but he didn't have enough control over his firebending for such a delicate task. Once Toph was free she and Zuko walked back over to the group.

"Alright! Winner stays on fuckers! Round two Zuko, get your ass in the ring!" Katara gloated at her friends.

"Hold on Katara! There's one more type of bending that hasn't had a match yet" Sokka grinned drawing his sword.

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