The start of a new life

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Zuko and Sokka entered the asylum and the minute they stepped through the doors the Firelord was reminded of how awful he felt about putting his sister in such a depressing environment. Though his negative feelings were placated when he entered his sister's room and was greeted with a hug, this told him her mental health was improving.

"Zuzu! I knew you'd come visit me!" Azula exclaimed elatedly as her brother wrapped his arms around her.

"Of course, Azula" Zuko smiled at his sister as he pulled away.

"Did you do your own hair?" Azula asked inspecting her brother's shoddy hairstyling.

"Yes, why?"

"it's lopsided and, frankly, it's a mess, let me fix it! Mother has been teaching me how to braid hair, let me practice on you Zuzu!" Azula was practically bouncing excitement at the thought of practicing her new skill.

"Ugh fine" Zuko said sitting in front of Azula.

"What's going on here?" Sokka asked as he entered the room and saw Zuko sitting in front of Azula.

"Azula doesn't like my hair so she's fixing it" Zuko explained as Azula smacked his head. When he asked why she smacked his head she said he was moving too much. Zuko had taken Ra off his head and was holding his small companion in his hands.

While Azula styled her brother's hair the dragon crawled out of Zuko's hands and climbed up Azula's body and on to her shoulder. He curled up happily and fell asleep, the princess assumed he was enjoying the plethora of body warmth all firebenders were blessed with.

Zuko and Sokka told her everything that had happened in Ba Sing Se, and then the southern tribe, though they left out the incident with Jet and the kiss they shared on Ember Island.

"So waterbenders can control vegetables" Azula spoke while focusing on braiding her brother's hair. "How the hell is your hair so soft Zuzu?"

"Don't know, I've always had really soft, fluffy hair" Zuko said smugly.

"Stop moving bitch!"

"I wasn't doing anything!"

Sokka grinned and leaned back on his hands enjoying the friendly sibling rivalry. It was an enormous shame they didn't see this side of Azula on their adventures.

"Have Ty Lee and Mai been to visit you yet?" Zuko asked Azula.

"Yeah they have, I now understand why you were so desperate to make peace with your group of friends, it was nice admitting my mistakes to them and them still accepting me as their friend" Azula admitted while she weaved the crown into Zuko's hair.

"It's good that they were able to see past your mistakes and still be your friends" Sokka smiled at Azula.

"It was probably because they know she can be nice"

"Zuzu if you don't shut up, I'm telling mother that you set me on fire" Azula threatened her brother.

"If you stop bullying me, you can have the fire gummies I bought you" Zuko took the packet out of his pocket and presented it to his sister.

"I'll be good" Azula promised as she put the finishing touches on Zuko's hair. When she was done Zuko's dragon crawled down from her shoulder and sat in her hands. She must admit, Ra was unbelievably cute.

Zuko tossed the fire gummies to his sister, who caught them and immediately opened them.

"Thanks, Zuzu, I missed these so much" Azula threw a gummy up and caught it in her mouth.

"More than me?" Zuko asked in mock offence.


"This is child abuse!" Zuko crossed his arms and turned away from his sister.

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