Meetings and bending

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"Good morning General! What a wonderful day for our meeting, sure would suck if you had one hell of a hangover!" Zuko exclaimed loudly, throwing open the curtains of General Shou's room. The young council member let out a pained groan as the bright light of the morning filtered into the room.

Zuko turned to face the master of war, who was curled in on himself, gripping the covers in an effort to shut out the blinding light coming in through the window.

"Throne room. One hour. If you're not there then don't bother continuing to assume a position on my council!" Zuko swept out of the room to go and rouse the other fools.

The next room the Firelord found himself at was the accommodation that belonged to the master of law, General Baenor. The Firelord knocked and opened the door when the man inside granted him entry.

"Good morning, Your Majesty" the General turned to face the Firelord.

"General Baenor, you're awake" Zuko acknowledged the well dressed man standing at the room's large window.

"Yes, Your Majesty, some of us have more sense than drinking ourselves into oblivion the night prior to an important meeting"

"I see, well, if you wouldn't mind rousing the other members of the council and converging with them in the throne room in one hour" Zuko informed the general before making his way back to his room to dress and style his hair appropriately for an important meeting.

One hour later Zuko was sat on the throne with the bright orange flames burning in front of him. Ra was sat on a small seat next to him, basking in the warm glow of the bright fire. It wasn't long before General Baenor entered the room and took his seat at the world map after bowing to the Firelord.

Within ten minutes everyone was seated and their meeting began.

"General Baenor, if you wouldn't mind starting us off on the alcohol laws" Zuko took on an icy tone as he glared at his hungover council members.

The General stood and cleared his throat. Zuko didn't quite trust him as the man had served under Ozai. When the Firelord came to power he completely reshuffled the council, the only reason he kept the Baenor on was that no one else wanted to take his job. Of course Zuko had made the man swear fealty and pledge his loyalty to him as the rightful Firelord.

"Yesterday, every single member of the Firelord's council drank to utter excess and it turned out to be the biggest farce I have ever seen, bearing in mind I served the previous tyrant who sat on that throne" the General started to pace behind the council members.

"Last night, every one of you was seen participating in drinking games, dancing around like fools and being loud and disorderly, if you weren't such high ranking individuals you would all have been arrested!" The General was scolding the council officials. One of whom, the master of arms: master Vaegor, looked like she was going to throw up.

"You know, in the Water Tribe, we have a saying: go hard or go home. You should have all gone home" Hahn smirked, throwing his opinion into the ring.

Hahn and Fong hadn't got the memo that the nation representatives didn't need to attend the meeting, but Zuko let them stay since they'd gone to the trouble of getting up and preparing for the meeting.

"We will hear no more of last night's events, let's go on to how we plan to move forward General" the Firelord intervened.

"Your Majesty, the new laws are: to purchase alcohol one must be over the age of twenty one, alcohol cannot be purchased on behalf of an underage person, alcohol can be drunk by underage persons at a minimum age of sixteen in the privacy of one's own home, and alcohol cannot be consumed in public unless in the event of a festival or national holiday" the General finished reeling off the new details of the alcohol laws.

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