New clothes

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"Sokka have you seen Zuko at all today?"

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since he said he wanted to practice his bending alone this morning, I hope he's okay"

Sokka and Hahn were getting fitted for new clothes while General Fong stood off to the side wondering aloud why the two water tribe men were acquiring new attire.

"I want to feel more at home here, plus, Zuko likes it when I wear Fire Nation clothes" Sokka grinned slyly at the plan that had formed in his head the day prior. He was going to surprise Zuko with Fire Nation clothes.

"I also want to feel more at home here, and the Firelord will probably be grateful for us wearing his nation's clothes" Hahn explained his choice behind the new clothes.

"So you're leaving behind your tribe's heritage and culture in favour of dressing like these ash breathing morons?" Fong was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed.

"You say that like we're getting rid of our water tribe outfits" Hahn glared at Fong.

"Yeah, we'll wear our outfits when we need to be representing the water tribes, but for daily living I think it would be nice for us to wear Fire Nation clothes" Sokka said as he lifted his arms so the tailors could measure the length his sleeves needed to be.

"Fine, cover your water tribe heritage, see if I care" Fong spat as he turned to leave the room.

"Firelord Zuko would probably have asked us to do this sooner or later, what are you going to tell him when he asks why you aren't wearing Fire Nation clothes and we are?" Hahn gave Fong a smug grin as he spoke.

"And how are you going to stop the Firelord's boyfriend from telling him you called him an ash breathing moron?" Sokka crossed his arms and gave Fong a shit eating smirk.

"Ugh, fine, one outfit" Fong begrudgingly agreed and ordered the servants not to tell the Firelord about his questionable comment earlier.

Once Sokka and Hahn's measurements were done, they were waiting for a design of their clothes to be drawn and showed to them so they could approve.

"Sokka, can I ask you something about Yue?"

The water tribesman's head snapped up at the mention of Yue.

"Okay, shoot"

"Did she feel loved when she died?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did she know you loved her, did she feel like someone was willing to risk everything, just for her?"

"I believe she she did... where are these questions coming from Hahn?"

"Everyday I feel awful about hurting her, I just want her to know I'm sorry and I regret it, I want so badly to make up for it"

"I think she'd be really proud of you for trying to do that, I think you've really turned over a new leaf" Sokka smiled.

"Thank you, Sokka, I want to make it up to her but I don't know how" the northerner hung his head in defeat.

"Try talking to the moon, I talked to the full moon when I was struggling with my feelings for Zuko, and after telling her my problem I had a dream where I kissed him under the full moon. I think that was a sign from Yue telling me to man up and tell Zuko how I was feeling"

"And that helped you?" Hahn looked up at the water tribesman. 

"It did, I kissed him on Ember Island, and here we are now, happy as ever"

"I really regret putting such a wedge between you two, how can I make it right?"

"Hahn, you locked me and Zuko in our room and told us to grow the hell up when we were squabbling, and now we talk about our problems instead of throwing things at each other, you've more than made up for it" Sokka assured Hahn as he lay a hand on his shoulder.

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