The north remembers

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"So, what are we doing out here again?" Aang looked across at Zuko, the Firelord's scarred eye a rough contrast against the falling snow.

"When I went to Ba Sing Se, my ship was piloted by Captain Shen" Zuko drew his spear out from the sheath on his back and lay it across his shoulders, resting both arms on the shaft and letting his wrists hang limply. "When we docked in the Fire Nation he said he was going to help the Northern Tribe explore beyond the glacier at the back of the city with his crew" 

Aang and Zuko had been summoned to the Northern Water Tribe two days ago. Five years had passed since Captain Shen had gone north with his crew, and the expedition had come back empty handed. Four weeks ago they had tried again and hadn't returned. The Northern Tribe had informed Zuko of this fact and, feeling a close bond with the kindly Captain, the Firelord himself had gone to form a search party with Aang.

"So we're looking for him and his crew?"

"Yes, they've been missing for a few weeks" Zuko narrowed his eyes as he and Aang pressed on through the snow. "I grew close to Shen and wanted to look for him myself"

"I get that... so why didn't we take Ra, or Appa?" Aang turned his head to look at his friend.

"We don't know what's out here, someone, or something could have taken them captive" Zuko hated to think about it but unfortunately he was right. "Scouting around on Ra or Appa would draw too much attention, and could scare whatever is holding Shen and his crew away" in the many years of Zuko's reign, he had learned a few things and two of those things were the importance of stealth, and the value of surprise.

"Adventuring and questing together is something I've missed, just like the good old days, eh Zuko" Aang grinned cheerily and began whistling.

"Someone's chipper today" Zuko noted as they continued to trudge through the deep snow.

"Shall I tell you why? Because as of a few weeks ago, I am finally taller than Katara!" Aang put a skip into his step as he told Zuko his excellent news.

"Wow, taller than Katara huh?" Zuko teased as he walked next to Aang in an effort to show him that the Firelord was still taller than the Avatar.

"I wouldn't be so quick onto your ego, Zuko, tell me, do you still have to stand on tiptoe to kiss Sokka?" Aang narrowed his eyes at his friend playfully.

"Shut up" Zuko pouted and turned his head away from his friend.

"Never change, Zuko" Aang smiled. "Didn't know you had a thing about your height oh great and wonderful Firelord" Aang found his sentence cut off by a hand pushing him into the snow. "How mature of you, and just how old are you, Zuko?"

"24" Zuko sighed begrudgingly. He was shocked when the snow suddenly came up and shoved him onto his back. "Oh, so that's how we're playing it" Zuko yelled playfully as he shot various fireballs and explosions at Aang.

The two had a bit of a firefight for a while, until they realised they were going to melt the ground they were standing on and quickly booked it away from the spot of ground that was growing increasingly unstable.

"Well, that was fun"

Before Aang could respond they saw a weak light in the distance for a split second before it flickered out.

The two men looked at each other and both had the same thought: firebender!

Lee raised his head from where he was laying on the cold ground and saw what looked like streaks of fire cutting across the falling snow. He slowly and painfully got to a sitting position.

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