A thing of beauty

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"Okay! Benders in a horizontal line on the Agni Kai slab!" Sokka ordered and he watched the benders form a line. "The next part of this competition is called beautiful bending, each of you will use your respective element, Aang uses air, Katara uses water, Toph uses earth and Zuz- Zuko uses firebending" Sokka didn't know why he'd almost used Azula's nickname for Zuko, the Firelord didn't look too happy about it, then again when did he look happy at all? "You will use your bending to make pretty shapes or scenes and Suki and I will judge. You have three attempts and you'll be given a score out of ten!" Sokka paced as he explained the rules of the next category.

"Aang will go first with airbending" the Avatar sprang to his feet – helped by airbending. The group stepped back off the Agni Kai slab and watched as Aang used airbending to gain height, jumping from one air cushion to the other, each one higher than the last. Once he'd got as high as he wanted, he stood on an air cushion and created a funnel of wind. The funnel reached up to him from the ground. When the funnel was level with his feet, he jumped into it. There was an audible gasp from the group on the ground and Zuko and Suki ran forward to catch Aang in case he fell. Aang floated down to the ground arms outstretched in a capital T position, right foot resting on his left knee. He landed gracefully on a tall spire of rock and took a bow, while Suki and Zuko finished having their mini 'oh spirits! Aang is gonna fall!' moment. Suki and Sokka gave Aang a 6 out of 10.

"You're up Katara!" Aang beamed as he bounced over to Katara and kissed her as Zuko fake gagged.

Katara noticed Zuko's performance and jabbed him in the arm, "hey I bet you kiss Mai all the time when no one else is looking Zuko!" The firebender looked defeated so Katara took that as a yes.

The waterbender took her place next to her pail of water on the Agni Kai slab and stood, feet together, arms outstretched in a capital T position. She pulled the water to either side of her and coated her arms in the water. When her arms were immersed in the water, she pushed the water out so long tendrils were emanating from her arms. She split the water into three parts, so she had three spider type tendrils on either side of her. She planted all the tendrils in the ground and used them as a springboard to push her body up into the air. Once airborne she somersaulted and landed with ease and grace on Aang's tall rock spire and took a bow. What she thought was a truly glorious spectacle of waterbending earned an 8 from Suki and a 4 from Sokka. Katara scrunched her face up in disgust at Sokka's idiotic score and she drew all the water into her and shot it at Sokka, pushing him up against the wall of Zuko's childhood holiday home, that had once been their hideout, freezing her brother in place.

"I give that 10 out of 10 Katara, good job!" Zuko shouted as he clapped and Toph and Aang laughed.

"Hey Hotshot, instead of applauding this brutal assault how about you come melt me out of this?" Sokka yelled at Zuko. The Firelord rolled his eyes and went to melt Sokka out of his ice prison, softly laughing and shaking his head as he walked towards Sokka.

Once Sokka had been melted out of Katara's ice prison Toph earthbended herself up onto the Agni Kai slab, it was her time to shine. She cracked her knuckles and her neck and wiggled her toes as she prepared to metalbend. She started by levitating the sheets of metal to sit at her feet and stacked them on top of each other. Toph took a piece of metal, and bending and shaping it into the Firelord headpiece, which she levitated over so it hung in front of Zuko's face. Keeping the headpiece where it was, she took another piece of metal and shaped it into a sword which she held in front of Sokka. She put a fan in front of Suki, a mini Appa in front of Aang, a copy of Katara's necklace in front of the waterbender, and her Beifong family crest in front of her own face. Sokka and Suki gave her a stunned 10 out of 10. The young metalbender grinned as wide as she could and hopped off the Agni Kai slab. "Beat that your sparky Highness" she teased at Zuko.

Zuko stuck his tongue out at Toph and took his place on the Agni Kai slab. The firebender was excited to show everyone a new trick his uncle had taught him. He started out by creating a blooming lotus flower out of fire, moving and rippling it as if it were a real flower Zuko was holding in his hands, he then made a butterfly, with beautiful, detailed, delicate wings and made it float and fly around the flower. The young Firelord then made it fly in front of everyone's faces before settling it on the flower and snuffing the flames out by closing his hands. Time for his new trick. Zuko took a deep breath and put his hands side by side in front of him, all fingers except his first and middle finger, which were extended on both hands. He closed his eyes and pulled all of the energy in his core to his extended fingers. He felt the crackling between his fingers. He smiled softly as he pulled his hands slowly apart revealing the lightning connected at his fingertips. He split the lightning in two holding two lightning whips in his hands, he cracked the whips out either side of him and, facing the far end of the Agni Kai slab he ran forward, somersaulted, landed and as he landed, cracked the whips out in front of him. Dismissing the lightning he walked back to the middle of the slab to face the shocked faces of the two non benders.

"11 out of 10!" Yelled Sokka, earning a grin from Zuko. "10 out of 10" exclaimed Suki.

"Where did you learn to bend lightning?" Aang asked, shock painted all over his face.

"My uncle taught me a few things" Zuko let out of a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his neck. "Toph and I got the same score" Zuko noted looking at Sokka and Suki.

"We need a tie breaker!" Yelled Toph jumping to her feet, looking ready to murder Zuko. The Firelord paled at Toph's murderous look.

"Okay, how do we do a tie breaker?" Asked Katara.

"Toph and Zuko go head to head with their bending sub-styles!" Suggested Aang. Though he immediately regretted his outburst as lightning and metal sounded like a deadly combination.

The group were left pondering how to determine the winner of the bending match.


I know it sucked I'm sorry but lookit I continued the story! As always pls tell me what you think and leave a comment so Wattpad shows it to more accounts and it gains some popularity. 

More Sokka x Zuko content is coming don't worry. 

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