Chapter 53 - Honey Lemon

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Chapter 53

(Hiro's POV)

     (•-•) (•-•) (•-•) TIME SKIP: 2 days (•-•) (•-•) (•-•)

     I stood with Akira and Baymax in our suits by the garage. Yama had launched an attack in downtown San Fransokyo and all 7 of us were heading over.

     Akira hopped onto her board and I threw myself up onto Baymax's back. The rest of the group would meet us there.

     I flew over the city with Baymax and landed by Yama, Evan, and their bots just a moment before Akira and Gogo skidded up to us.

     "Zero!" Yama shouted.

     "Yama, we'll defeat you and Evan this time!" I warned. He let out a deep laugh.

     "We'll see about that," Evan replied for him.  Wasabi came running up next, followed behind by Fred. We flung ourselves into battle against their robots and against 1.0 while we waiting for Honey to show up. 

     "Sorry I'm late!" Honey apologized as she came running in and threw a chemical ball up,  causing a sticky mess to trap some of the robots.  She ran forwards, threw a rubbery chemical, and bounced on it up to attack.  The rest of us were fighting successfully,  when she was grabbed mid air by another bot, one that stretched differently than the others. Honey screamed for help.

     Akira and I spun to her to help.  Akira began to deactivate the robot, but wasnt fast enough.  To our horror, the robots arm moved and a sharp dagger came from its hand.  Just as Akira deactivated it,  it stabbed her stomach. Honey's eyes widened and her mouth opened in a gasp. Crimson blood oozed from the wound. The deactivated bot dropped her. She hit the ground roughly and remained limply where she was dropped.

     "We'll continue this later. We'll be offering a bargain," Evan concluded and then left with Yama and the rest of the bots that hadnt been deactivated or destroyed. We all stood in awe, staring at Honey.

     Akira rushed to her side in tears. We followed immediately.

     "Baymax! Do something!" I sobbed.

     He kneeled down next to Honey, who was blankly staring up at us.

     "G-guys," she choked. " It's alright."

     "You appear to have an incision to your left abdomen," Baymax daignosed. "Please hold still while I put pressure on the wound."

     He pressed down onto the bloody wound. We all kneeled down by Honey and held her hands.

     "It's okay, you'll be alright," Fred calmed.

     "I've...," she coughed.  "Lost too much blood."

     "Hey, shut up.  You're weak. So just shut up, " Gogo ordered.

     "I'm so sorry, this is my fault, " Akira apologized.

     "N-no, its not sweetie," Honey whispered.

     "Please remain still,"  Baymax ordered.

     "I'm calling 911," Wasabi said as he stood up and pulled his cellphone out. Honey's breath slowed and her eyes began to fade.

     "Hold on,  okay? We're getting help.  Just hold on, " I cried.

     "Everyone,  you're all special. Never forget that.  I love every one of you.  Hiro, please tell Tadashi I loved him," Honey managed to say. 

     "No, you can tell him yourself!" I shouted.  Her head rolled to the side limply and her breathing stopped.

     "HONEY!" Gogo screamed.  "Get it together!  Hold on!" There was no response. 

     "She no longer has a pulse.  I will try using my defibrillators."

     "The ambulance is on its..... way..." Wasabi began. He dropped his phone and rushed to her side. 

     "Honey," we all whimpered.  Baymax used his defibrillators multiple times.  The word 'clear' echoed with the sobbing in the air.

     "I can not help Honey Lemon. She has passed away," Baymax spoke. "I am sorry."

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