Chapter 24 - New Enemy

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Chapter 24

(Akira’s POV)

                I turned my board on and dropped it to the pavement where it hovered. I jumped up and Hiro climbed up behind me. He gingerly wrapped his arms around my waist to hold on.

                “Let’s try this out,” I said. I leaned forwards and bravely picked up speed around the block. I turned down different streets and sped by the pedestrians. While going down a side street, an explosion came from a distant building. I skidded to a halt and stared in horror at the building. Hiro tightened his grip on my waist nervously. I knew exactly what it reminded him of… Tadashi’s death.

                “Go. Hurry,” he ordered. I obeyed and sped as fast as I could down the street to the burning building. I turned my outer screen on the glasses off so my eyes were hidden from view as to not be recognized, but so I could still see. We pulled up next to some terrified citizens running from the blast. “Is everyone out?!” he screamed to them. A man nodded.

                “The office was closed, nobody got injured!” the man shouted as he ran off. I glanced at the building’s sign, which hadn’t managed to get too destroyed in the explosion – although the building was in fiery ruins.

                “Corebank Robotic Equipment Manufacturers,” I read aloud to Hiro. He glanced over to me nervously and then back to the building.

                “Ah, you must be Hiro Hamada. I thought this little display would get your attention,” a deep man’s voice called from behind us. I spun the board around to face him. The man wore a dark cloak and held a large, strange gun. “Aren’t the colors absolutely magnificent?”

                “You were arrested! We arrested you just the other day!” Hiro shouted. The man glanced up to show a rugged, scarred face. “Wait, you’re not-,” Hiro began.

                “The same man?” the man finished for him. “No, but I work with the same boss that he did.” He explained. “Now, on to test number two,” he mumbled. He jumped forwards, but springs in his boots, similar to Fred’s, launched him forwards. He jumped over our heads, and grabbed me by my suit, pulling me off the board and on to the ground. I began to sit up, only to have him quickly yank me up and hold his gun to my head. “Mr. Hamada, I presume you already know that this gun can pierce your suits. So I’ll skip that part.” I breathed slowly, trying to focus and not panic.

                “Let her go,” Hiro growled. “My team will be here in moments. You won’t stand a chance against us.” The man laughed.

                “If I had to estimate, I’d say 5 minutes,” the man chimed. “Now, I need you to make a trade for this cutie.” He motioned his eyes towards me. “Or I’ll shoot before your team arrives.” Hiro’s brows furrowed into an angry expression.

                “What do you want?” My boyfriend hissed at the villain. He clenched his fists.

                “What are you willing to trade?” the man pestered. He roughly yanked my arm up and held me up by it to cause pain that was visible by my facial expression. Hiro was about to jump forwards when the man stopped him.

                “Are you really going to risk getting her shot by a crazy man? No? Then don’t move,” he ordered.

                “Let me go!” I shouted. He yanked on my arm again and I whimpered in pain. Dammit! I’m so weak!

                “I’ll give you whatever you want, just let her go!” Hiro blurted out. He dropped to his knees in defeat. I was surprised at his sudden submissive behavior, only to notice his hands were in his lap with his fingers pointed in a gun shape using his thumb and pointer finger.  Hiro glanced directly at me. And then I realized what he was trying to tell me.

                “Ah, now that’s more like it,” the man chimed. “Now, I need you to give me the address of your home,” he began. Even though the villain held one of my arms up in the air, the other arm was left free. If I could move quickly enough, I could escape. All of my thinking was instant. I swiftly swung my free hand out towards the arm holding the gun and angled my posed my fingers into the gun shape. It all happened in the blink of an eye. A light lit up along wires beneath the fabric, and activated a small tube on my wrist which shot a laser beam. The pain caused him to release the gun. He dropped my arm, releasing me, and I ran as fast as I could towards Hiro. Hiro jumped up and handed me my hover board, which was now off. I stuck it to the connection unit on my back. The man’s arm was limp to his side and dripping blood. I had been lucky enough to hit a nerve bundle.

                “You little BITCH,” he growled to me. “You’re going to pay for that!” He lunged to his gun and aimed it at us. He pulled the trigger…

                Suddenly, in a whirl, we were several feet to the side and Gogo whipped around and halted next to us. Everyone else rounded the corner to us a second after. The energy bullet cut through the rubble behind us where we had been standing before Gogo had moved us.

                “Please surrender. You are currently surrounded and your chances of succeeding in your plan have dwindled,” Baymax stated. The man laughed.

                “My plan’s already finished. I got what I needed from the building, I created a beautiful explosion of fiery colors, and I completed experiment number two. Although I regret getting shot, I thank all of you for a lovely performance and for participating. You all did very well. Farwell, my enemies,” he congratulated. We all raced forwards to apprehend him, only for him to disappear in a cloud of smoke. Sounds of coughing echoed around me as the smoke cleared.

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