Chapter 45 - Focus

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Chapter 45

(Hiro’s POV)

(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: One hour –Callaghan, Roderick, ad Henry arrested, everyone back in Hiro’s room and most microbots brought back to SFIT’s lab, others brought to Hiro’s room (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

                “Scan complete. It appears that her neurotransmitters temporarily mutated, however, they are now back to normal,” Baymax diagnosed. The team was sitting in various places such as my desk, bed, floor, and I was standing. Akira was seated on my bed, still blind and without glasses.

                “Maybe it has something to do with her disorder? Tochi Shadow Box Syndrome?” Honey suggested. Akira shrugged.

                “Let’s keep going through what happened to narrow down the solutions. What did you feel? What did you do to make the microbots move? How did you feel afterwards? The more information we have, the better,” Wasabi asked. I pulled out a notebook and a pen and got ready to jot down any information about what had happened.

                “After I took the glasses off, I became really focused. When Yokai starting to grab me and got ready to attack, I got really angry and focused, and then I just felt… I’m not sure how to describe it. I could feel where any electronics were. After that, whatever I wanted to happen happened. Once they were captured, I relaxed and then it all stopped and I was really exhausted for a few minutes.”

                “Has it happened before?” Gogo asked. Akira shook her head.


                “When it happened, I saw your eyes turn a vibrant red rather than their usual dark red,” I explained. I noted a few things mentioned on the paper.

                “Maybe you’re actually a superhero with superpowers and you’re finally learning how to use them!” Fred shouted. Gogo rolled her eyes.

                “Who knows?” Honey replied.

                “We can see if she can do it again,” Wasabi suggested. Akira nodded.

                “I can try.”

                “Are you sure?” I worried. She smiled and nodded again to reassure me. “Alright, just don’t push yourself too hard. We don’t know what happened or if it will happen again. Baymax, keep a continuous scan on her to record data and to make sure she’s okay.”

                “Beginning scan now,” Baymax acknowledged.

                “Alright. I’m ready when you guys are,” she said. I opened the box with the microbots and placed them in front of her. She stared at them for a minute, and then took a deep breath and focused harder on them. We were all silent, practically holding our breath. After a moment, her eyes brightened and the box shifted. Several bots twisted around in the box, and then all of them formed into a column inside the box. She lifted her hand up and moved it, the bots followed into the shape of Baymax, and hen twirled into a spiral shape. We all gasped as she moved them around.

                “Akira, can you hear me?” Honey asked.

                “Yeah, I can. I can’t believe this is-,” Akira started. Then, the bots fell loosely and tumbled all over the floor. Her eyes faded and she frowned. “Darn, I thought I had it.”

                “Maybe you have to focus to control them and you lost control because you lost focus?” Gogo suggested. I nodded.

                “Are you alright trying again?” I asked. She nodded and stared at the bots. This time, she was able to start controlling them sooner than before. She stood up from the bed and moved them around the room.

                “I want to try talking and doing other tasks. Maybe with enough practice, I can control them a lot easier,” she voiced.

                “Alright, how do you feel?” I asked.

                “Uh… Not much different other than focused and-,” they dropped, but before they hit the floor, she got her focus back and continued to move them. “Focused and still like I can feel the electronics in the room. I can’t see them and I can’t feel them directly, but I can sense where the bots are and I can sense the computer and the laptop and the cell phones in the room.”

                “If you can feel the other tech, maybe you can control them too?” Honey suggested.

                “I can try,” Akira spoke slowly. She moved all of the bots into the box and then her eyes faded out again. She focused again, brightening her eyes. After a moment of silence, the computer flickered to life.

                “Whoa…,” Fred gaped. “Try opening a program! Search the internet or something!” He shouted. She bit her lip and moved her hand by the screen. My internet browser came up and then “Big Hero 7” was searched. A few articles and websites came up and then the browser closed. She placed her hand to her forehead and her eyes faded.

                “Are you alright?” I asked.

                “Y-yeah, just feel pretty tired after doing all of that,” she mumbled. I took her arm and helped her to the bed.

                “You should stop for now,” I ordered. She laughed a little and nodded. 

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