Chapter 60 - S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Chapter 60

(Hiro's POV)

The day when we saved the city from Yama and Evan was 4 years ago. A lot had changed in those four years. Akira and I were now 19 and moving on to Grad school, and Gogo, Wasabi, and Fred were now 24. Akira had grown her hair back out to her chest in her natural color, but still kept her bangs dyed green. Wasabi and Sasha got married last year. Sasha was even an FBI agent, so she was involved in our team too. So now we were back to Big Hero 7 again with her at our side. Our team kept San Fransokyo safe from all villains and had saved the city numerous times.

Today, we were all taking a trip to Disney Land in Florida. All 7 of us (Akira, Sasha, Fred, Wasabi, Gogo, Baymax, and myself, although Baymax was in his travel case) were all standing in the airport after landing in Florida and gathering our luggage. Wasabi's bag was the only thing we were waiting on.

"Got it!" He shouted as he yanked it off of the conveyer belt. We walked outside while talking and laughing from excitement. I walked to the front desk and asked for a taxi, only for the woman at the counter saying that we already had a ride waiting for us out front. I looked at her skeptically and she shrugged. So I turned back to join the group.

"There's a taxi waiting for us outside," I explained. Akira adjusted her glasses and then took my hand as we all walked out the front entrance. There was a mini limo like black car waiting with a man out front holding a sign that had all of our names written on it. He was a tall and slim man in a black suit. He was a beginning to age as evidence by a few slight wrinkles and his retreating hair line. His brown hair had a few strands of grey in it as well.

"Wow, Disney really does put customers first," Fred gasped quietly to us. As we approached, the man smiled to us and shook all of our hands.

"Welcome to Florida. My name is Phil Coulson," he greeted.

"Thank you so much for picking us up. Disney has such great customer service," Sasha thanked. He looked to us with an amused smirk and opened the door for us. We all slid into the seats as Mr. Coulson brought our luggage to the back. He slipped into the driver's seat and only drove a few minutes before stopping. The door where we were opened and another man in all black with a black leather trench coat stepped in and shut the door behind him. The car started up again. He had dark skin, an eye patch, was bald, and had a slight beard.

"I'm sorry about this, but you won't be going to Disney right now," he told us. Due to his threatening look and the weirdness of the situation, I put my arm over Akira protectively and glared at the man. "Have you kids ever heard of S.H.I.E.L.D. before?"

"Yeah! They're the guys who protect the world from weird stuff! The Avengers work with them and so does that Spiderman guy and a ton of other awesome heroes!" Fred blurted out excitedly. The loud sound of a helicopter landing overwhelmed us for a moment. I looked out the window to see the car being driven up a ramp and into a giant helicopter-like aircraft.

"Where are you taking us?!" I hissed. The aircraft ramp closed up once we were inside and the walls quieted the sounds of the machine.

"My name is Nick Fury, and you've already met Agent Coulson. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D., Big Hero 7."

(A/N:) I am sad to say it, but this is the END of our story!

Yes, the story ending does open up a new plot, but I'd prefer to leave it slightly open ended like that. I've never liked true 'endings', so this ending shows that the end to this story is the beginning of a new one.

If you have any questions about what happens after the ending, I'm happy to tell you!

Yes, Big Hero 6 IS a Marvel movie, hence why Stan Lee was in an animated cameo at the after the credits ending.

Also, like I mentioned before, I'm working on a Gravity Falls fanfic and an Over the Garden Wall fanfic. I don't have names for either of them yet, but I'll be posting them in the next few weeks probably. So if any of you are interested and/or curious, keep an eye out for chapter 1 of both of them on my page over the next month or two.

I hope all of you enjoyed the story! Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!

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