Chapter 48 - Rebuilt

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Chapter 48

(Hiro’s POV)

                I stormed down the stairs to the garage. I wasn’t upset at Akira, I was upset at myself. What she had explained made sense, but I didn’t want to believe it. He was so much like Tadashi and I didn’t want to lose my brother again, even if I was hurt in the process.

                I stepped into the garage and sat next to my brother on the couch. I let out a sigh of frustration.

                “Where’d your girlfriend go?” Tadashi asked.

                “I got angry at her and told her to leave,” I mumbled. He frowned.

                “What’d she do?”

                “Nothing, really. I just got angry over something and now I feel awful because I made her leave,” I explained. He ruffled my hair.

                “You’re always making mistakes, knucklehead. Just go apologize. The sooner you do it, the better,” he offered a solution.

                “I want to apologize to her, but I don’t want to admit that I was wrong,” I admitted with a frustrated sigh. Tadashi chuckled.

                “Oh, so it was that kind of fight,” he teased. “If you really love her you’ll apologize, otherwise the fight may end up getting worse.”

                “I’ll call her in a minute,” I replied. “Hey, Tadashi?”


                “When you were in the hospital, why didn’t you tell the doctors to call Cass and me? Or call us yourself?” I pried. He looked at me and froze.

                “I-I don’t know. I can’t remember. Why didn’t I call my little brother? What’s the reason?” He chatted as he put his hand to his forehead. “This is unnerving. I don’t have any real memory from the hospital. I know I went, I know why, but I don’t remember anything else.”

                “What?” I gasped.

                “Hiro, why can’t I remember?” He cried out. Suddenly, Gogo, Wasabi, Akira, Fred, And Honey came around the corner. Tadashi was staring at his hands nervously.

                “Hiro, we need to talk,” Gogo stated. I looked up to them worried.

                “Is it the same thing Akira was saying earlier?” I asked. They all nodded.

                “I know it’s hard to believe, but unfortunately, I think she’s right,” Honey explained.

                “I-I do believe her,” I stammered. “But I don’t think you guys are entirely right. Tadashi just realized that he has absolutely no memory of the few months he was in the hospital. What if somebody took him, and implanted something into him?” I suggested in a worried chatter. Tadashi looked to the group worried.

                “That explains parts, but it doesn’t explain why I feel such a strong energy from him,” Akira replied.

                “I remember going into the fire, and then getting injured, and then… I actually remember dying. I remember dying. The hospital memory is blank except for how long I was there and why I went. If somebody implanted something in my head, don’t you think I wouldn’t remember dying?”

                “Yeah, you’re right,” Wasabi answered.

                “Oh! Oh! What if his brain was harvested out of his corpse and his brain was reactivated?! And then, the evil villain who did that put his brain in a robot body? Oh! And whoever supplied Callaghan with those fake bodies to put in their jail cells made Tadashi’s robot body! So he’s a cyborg now!” Fred blurted out.

                “I don’t think so, Fred,” Wasabi voiced.

                “Let’s use Baymax to scan me and tell us,” Tadashi offered. We raced upstairs and turned on Baymax.

                “Hello, Hiro, Akira, Wasabi, Gogo, Fred, Honey, and Tadashi,” he greeted.

                “Baymax, scan my body and tell me if any of it is robotic,” Tadashi ordered.

                “Scanning now. Scan complete,” he voiced. “Ta…da…shi…?” His voiced sounded out. Tadashi nodded. “More than 90% of your body is robotic. Part of your brain is Tadashi’s brain and is wired to your body.”

                “What?” We all gasped in awe. Tadashi stared at his hands again.

                “HA! Told you!” Fred shouted. He quieted down once he realized we were glaring at him.

                “This is really amazing technology, but really scary too,” he mumbled while turning his hands back and forth as if analyzing them.

                “But who would remake your body? And why?” Honey asked. She sat down next to him and took his hands in hers reassuringly.

                “Who knows,” Akira answered. “It could be an ally or a friend hoping to make us all happy,” she started.

                “Or a villain using you to trick us and get close to us!” Fred shouted. Akira nodded.

                “Maybe you should just turn me off then, Akira? At least until all of you find the real motive behind whoever created me,” Tadashi suggested. I frowned at him.

                “No. Tadashi, you’re not leaving us again. Don’t you dare. I’ll take the risk,” I voiced.

                “Hiro, no. I don’t want any of you to get hurt,” my brother argued.

                “Tadashi! We’ll be fine!” I argued. He sighed and ruffled my hair.

                “Hiro, please,” he voiced. I bit my lip and nodded.

                “Wait, how do we know if Akira turns him off if he can be turned back on?” Gogo asked.

                “Guys, I’m already dead. Don’t worry about me. If it works, it works. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t,” Tadashi said.

                “I say let’s leave him on. If something happens, Akira can turn him off whenever, right?” Wasabi asked. We all nodded.

                “Alright, fine. Just please be careful, guys. If I start acting differently, shut me down immediately,” Tadashi ordered. “Akira, if something goes wrong, shut me down no matter how much my little brother argues about it.” Akira nodded.

                We went along with the day mostly as usual, but keeping an eye on Tadashi. By the end of the evening, nothing unusual had happened, so we went back to sleep.

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