Chapter 46 - Tadashi

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(A/N: I accidently saved this chapter as a draft yesterday instead of publishing it! So sorry everyone!!! I'll post this (yesterday's chapter) and today's chapter. )

Chapter 46

(Hiro’s POV)

(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: One week – after testing Akira’s ability more, repairing the suits, making Akira a new pair of glasses, etc (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

                Akira and I walked back hand-in-hand in the cold late-January breeze. When we arrived at the café, we noticed something odd. The café was closed early and Cass was inside talking to somebody. Akira and I walked in and saw Cass’s back turned to us, and she was hugging and crying whoever was seated in front of her.

                “Hiro?” Cass called. She turned around to face us and was smiling and crying. The person behind her stood up and then I saw who it was.

                “T-tadashi…?” I whimpered. He smiled and stepped forwards.

                “Hey, knucklehead,” my brother greeted. I ran to him crying and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. After a moment of composing myself and calming down, I took a step back and glanced to Akira, who was standing with Cass and crying too. Then I turned to Tadashi and started frowned.

                “Where the hell were you?! You left us for several months! We thought you were dead!” I growled angrily. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

                “When the building exploded, I managed to hide behind some wreckage. I passed out and awoke in the hospital. They refused to let me leave for a while and so, yeah.” He explained. He lifted up his jacket sleeve to show us his arm, which was scared badly by burns from the fire. “I’m alright now though. No pain and back to normal,” he said.

                “We should tell the others!” Akira suggested. Cass nodded in agreement.

                “I’ll text them,” I said and then hugged my brother I shot a group message to them.

                Me: Please come to the café ASAP. Hurry.

                “So who’s this?” Tadashi asked and reached his hand out to shake Akira’s hand. She shook his hand in return.

                “I’m Akira Tomoko. You’re Hiro’s brother, Tadashi, right?” she asked. He nodded and then leaned over to me.

                “I bet you like her~,” he teased in a whisper. I smirked.

                “Your teasing doesn’t work,” I told Tadashi aloud. He looked at me confused. “Akira is my girlfriend.” Tadashi grinned and looked back and forth between us.

                “Whoa, wait, you two are dating? Hiro has a girlfriend?” Tadashi asked Akira. She blushed and nodded. “Please tell me Honey took pictures!! I missed all the moments between you two!” Tadashi whined. I nodded.

                “She’s taken more than enough,” I explained, earning a small giggle from Akira.

The café doors opened revealing the rest of the team. Honey dropped her purse at the door and ran crying to Tadashi, embracing him. He hugged her tightly back. Gogo, Wasabi, and Fred stood jaw-dropped at the door.

“TADASHI!” She sobbed. He rubbed the small of her back gently and began gently calming her down with a gentle voice.

“I’m here, Honey. I’m here now,” he calmed as he pecked her forehead sweetly. After several hours of catching up and talking, Akira and the others went back home and Tadashi and I went up to our room. I showed Tadashi how Akira and I were communicating across the alley. He joined in and signed a few things to join the conversation. Then, we sat on our beds.

“Baymax needs to know you’re alive too!” I suggested. I had added a simple button on Baymax’s case that activates him without the need for saying ‘ow’. I turned him on and he climbed out of the box.

 “Hello, Hiro,” he greeted.

“Tadashi is alive, Baymax! Look!” I pointed to Tadashi. He looked around the room and then back to me.

“Where is Tadashi?” He asked. I pointed to him again.

“Right there,” I said. Tadashi smiled.

“Hey, Baymax,” he said.

“Hiro, Tadashi is not in this room. Hello, what is your name?” He said.

“Baymax, it’s me. Tadashi,” Tadashi said. Baymax looked to him.

“Hello, Tadashi. My name is Baymax. I am your personal healthcare provider,” Baymax greeted as if he didn’t know my brother was there and was just saying hello to a stranger with the same name.

“Maybe his scanner got damaged in the last fight,” I suggested. Tadashi shrugged.

“Maybe,” he agreed. I dismissed Baymax and climbed into my bed. 

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