Long Awaited Update! Exciting News!

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       Hey, everyone! It's been a while. In fact, I began this fanfiction in 2014 and ended it in 2015. I honestly thought I'd never continue this to a part two or rewrite it. But I've recently finished watching season 1 of Big Hero 6: The Series...

       That's where the fun part comes in. I've always loved Big Hero 6 and its one of my favorite movies. Seeing the television series reminded me of my fanfiction and now that I'm 20, I realized that my story could be... improved upon. 

       Overall, I'm proud of it. Especially since I wrote it when I was so much younger. But there are some sections that were rushed, poorly written, etc. There were characters that I could have developed better (both the villains and Akira). Instead of filling things in with "~~~Timeskip~~~", I could have actually spent the time to write those scenes out or even added fluff that brings in more character development. I also feel like I didn't give the other members of BH6 enough spotlight. 

       So, without any further ado, I'd like to announce that I will be working on rewriting Big Hero 7! 

       I will leave the current version up so that those who prefer the old version can still access it. 

       I will rework much of the plot, while keeping other aspects the same. I'll work on making characters more dynamic and creating a better plot line. 

       Now, this will take me some time. I'm currently working on my final year of college to get my degree in biology. Obviously, my schoolwork takes priority. I will also make sure I rewrite the entire story before I upload it (that way if I need to make any major changes to the prior chapters, I can do so without causing chaos). I don't have an estimated time frame, but I'm hoping that it will be completed within a year, hopefully less. I just don't want to make any promises that I can't be sure that I can keep. 

       I can't wait to work on this little project and I hope to see some familiar faces in the comment section! Thank you for so much for your support over the years! It means a lot to me and I'm so happy that I can contribute to the fandom. 

       See you in the future! <3 ~Alornai

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