Chapter 55 - Deal with the Devil

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Chapter 55

(Hiro's POV)

                It didn't take us long to find Evan, who had taken part in tearing our group apart so much. He was standing atop a building with a fire below it at one of the smaller buildings below. His robots were holding the firemen off, and there were several reporters on the scene.

"Ah! There you are!" Evan shouted. I grimaced.

"What the hell do you want?! You've destroyed several of my friends already! Don't you dare think I'll take it easy on you!" I hissed Evan as we landed. I flung myself off of Baymax's back as Akira hopped off.

"Calm yourself. We're here to make a deal, not fight," Evan interrupted. "Please ask Baymax to leave for now, and return after we've had a little chat." I spun to Baymax.

"Leave and come back when I call you," I ordered. He nodded and took off into the sky. At this point, the flames below were licking the edge of the building and attempting to devour it. Evan stepped forwards.

"Yama and I will stop working together, and we'll destroy Baymax 1.0. This will make us even at the least, instead of overpowering you," he explained.

"And what's the catch?" Akira asked.

"Ah! Smart girl! I'm a man of my word, so provided you do something for me, then I'll make sure it happens," he answered slyly.

"Are you going to tell us or do we need to fight right now?" I spat. Evan smirked.

"You don't have to do a thing, Hiro. However, you..." he said as he looked to Akira. She looked up at him angrily.

"What do I need to do then?" She spoke. He sauntered over to my girlfriend and leaned to her ear. His mouth moved as he whispered something to her. Her face dropped and her fists clenched. He took a step away from her.

"Akira...? What did he tell you...?" I asked nervously.

"Nothing," she muttered while looking at the ground. Shadows concealed her face from me.

"Now or never," Evan teased.

"Hold him first," she breathed. Evan nodded. Before I could do anything, one of Evan's robots came up from behind me and held my arms back so I couldn't go anywhere.

"Akira?! What the hell is going on?!" I yelled. She took a several steps to the edge of the roof before looking back at me. A tear dripped from her eye from beneath her glasses and she gave me a slight smile. "AKIRA!!" I struggled uselessly against the bot's grasp. She turned around so I had full view of her front, and then silently fell backwards into the burning fires below. The bot released me after a moment, and I fell to my knees, knowing it was too late. "AKIRA!!!" I cried out.

"I'll hold up my end since you held up yours," Evan said before calling his bots back to him and leaving with them. As he left, a single microbot danced over the roof and past me, scratching my cheek. I watched it go over the edge towards the fire. It made sense for a few to get a final wave of her last brain waves, and to dive into the fire with her.

"No..." I sobbed. She was gone forever.

(•-•) (•-•) (•-•) TIME SKIP: 2 weeks (•-•) (•-•) (•-•)

                Things went by so slowly since we lost Tadashi, Honey, and Akira. We had already had the girls' funerals. Honey at least had a body to bury, but Akira's was turned to ashes in the fire. For the past several days, I had spent hours in my room curled up in a corner. Fred, Wasabi, and Gogo had attempted to call me several times a day, but I had ignored all the calls.

                I sat in the darkest corner of my room, cradling the security bot Akira and I had made several weeks ago.

                "Why," I whimpered. A knock at my door caused me to look up. The three friends I had left were in the doorway, looking at me with pity.

                "I took a shower and changed my underwear for you, man," Fred said calmly, obviously trying to get a smile out of me, but not succeeding. Gogo flashed Fred an annoyed look and then stepped over to me and squatted down.

                "Hiro, they wouldn't want you sitting here all alone and you know that," she said. I looked away from her.

                "They aren't here, so they won't care," I spat. She sighed.

                "That doesn't matter. They still live on in our hearts. Honey and Akira were always so happy, and it'd upset them to see you so sad," she explained. I crossed my arms.

                "Besides, we're here for something pretty urgent," Wasabi mentioned. I looked up at him coldly.

                "And that is?" I mumbled.

                "Yama's attacking the train station in order to call you out of hiding," Gogo replied. I clenched my fists.

                "He's and Evan are at fault for all of this. I'll go to take him out," I bitterly responded. The three nodded, and Fred activated Baymax for me. We left the house with our suits to go fight Yama. We were now only the Big Hero 5, if you could even call us heroes anymore.

A/N: This is NOT the ending, don't worry! Getting close to the end, but there's still more to come! :) Don't forget to comment, vote, etc! Seriously, don't be afraid to comment. I don't bite.

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