Chapter 47 - Tech

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Chapter 47

(Akira’s POV)

                (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: One Week (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

                I curled up next to the Hamada brothers on the couch in the garage. Hiro was next to me with Tadashi next to him. Hiro wrapped his arms around me and gingerly kissed my lips.

                “Hey, Akira? Can I see you control electronics?” Tadashi leaned over and asked. We had told him about my ability, but hadn’t showed him yet.

                “Sure. What do you want me to do?” I asked.

                “You should turn the TV on,” Hiro suggested. I nodded and immediately, with a flick of my wrist and a switch of my eyes, turned it on to the Sci-Fi channel. Tadashi’s jaw dropped and then he grinned at me.

                “What has Baymax said about this?” He asked.

                “He says her neurotransmitters mutate when she does that,” Hiro explained. When I had turned the television on before, I felt the tech in the room. Something felt out of place when I did so.

                “Anything else you want to see me do?” I asked. The two boys nodded.

                “How about the microbots?” I asked. They nodded again. I moved the microbots out of the box in the corner of the garage and moved them around the room while I focused on what was emitting the new feeling I was getting. Then it hit me. Tadashi.

                I dropped all of the bots, scattering them everywhere. I looked nervously back and forth from Hiro to Tadashi. Tadashi looked so real, so human. He acted so much like the original that Hiro hadn’t noticed a difference.

                “Akira? What’s wrong?” Hiro asked. I quickly moved the bots back to the box and then looked to them.

                “Nothing. Hiro? Can I talk to you? In a different room?”

                “Sure,” he said and then stood up with me. We walked up into the café past Cass and then into the living room upstairs.

                “Hiro, you need to listen to me closely,” I started. He nodded and then looked at me confused.

                “Is everything okay?” He asked. I shook my head.

                “Tadashi isn’t here. That’s not Tadashi downstairs.” Hiro frowned.

                “Of course he’s here. Why would you say that?” He began to get upset.

                “Please just listen to me for a moment. When I was playing around with the microbots, I noticed that Tadashi felt like an electronic too. Then I remembered his explanation for being gone for so long. His answer was not very detailed and didn’t make any sense. If he had a burn to his arm, the doctors would have only held him for a few weeks at most. And they would have asked him about his family when he woke up to call you and Cass. Plus, wouldn’t somebody have seen the news and recognized him?” Hiro clenched his fists.

                “Stop it, Akira. He wouldn’t lie to me,” he spat.

                “Hiro! Think about it! None of this makes any sense! And also, Evan escaped. Who’s to say he couldn’t have orchestrated this? Or what about another villain?” I tried to get him to see the truth.

                “Tadashi’s alive and you know it!” He hissed.

                “If you won’t believe me, I’ll go downstairs right now and turn him off,” I offered. I turned around to begin walking, and then Hiro’s nails dug into my arm. He glared at me in anger.

                “Don’t you dare! I don’t need any proof. I know that’s him and that’s final!”He growled.

                “Hiro, think about the facts!” I argued. He let go of my arm and pushed me back roughly.

                “Get out of here,” he said. “You’re insulting my brother. Get out of here.” I took a step back nervously and then looked down.

                “Fine,” I mumbled. I turned around and left the house. I picked up my phone and texted Honey.

                Me: Hey, can you and the others meet me in the lab? It’s important.

                Honey: Of course! Be right there!

                I shoved my phone back into my bag and began the walk to SFIT. When I arrived, Gogo, Wasabi, Honey, and Fred were waiting.

                “Where’s Hiro?” Honey asked. I frowned.

                “I tried to tell him what I wanted to talk to you guys about and he refused to believe me and kicked me out of the house.”

                “What did you tell him that made him that angry?” Gogo asked. I answered with the same reasons I had given to Hiro.

                “Are you sure?” Honey asked nervously. “It all makes sense, but I just want to make sure that you’re sure.” I nodded.

                “Then we have to go talk to Hiro again to warn him,” Wasabi said. We all nodded in agreement and ran back to Hiro’s house. 

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